Full Version: Do you know of a site that would...
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do any of you know of a site that would help me find out the address of a person. all i have is the name and occupation, and i need an address. do not question my 70% sure they are legal
coming up with new ways to do your job better?
.....sure, why not
thank god for caller ID
Why even have a land line?
Quote:Why even have a land line?

because they work in blackouts.
Good point, but I still hate them.
Mad Wrote:Good point, but I still hate them.
shoot them, then yourself.
I'd rather shoot people trying to shoot me.

When would you like to duel?
couldnt find me
I found me but at old addresses
Goatweed Wrote:thank god for caller ID
thank god for *67 before you dial and for
i fucking hate telemarketers.
me too
thank mcgreevy, he's so busy blocking your dinner time calls he forgot he was gay