Full Version: after intense scientific study, I have concluded..
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well after I wouldnt agree to shut down this site and then he left. a few weeks later he asked for some space on our server to start a everquest board (ofcourse he said he'd kick in for the server bill but he kicked in as much as he did for the cdih server)

so anyway big shockers, he shut down the everquest board after a few weeks and after several manifestos cause everyone was an asshole except for him ofcourse.
i want a link to an everquest manifesto
I think jack deleted the board, this was a while back.

Oh man he was mighty pissed some dude joined the gamer squad they had and he stole all their tools and shit, oh man what drama ensued.
shouldve archived that shit!
comedy gold slipped right through our fingers!
i would imagine a common occurence in your world
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