Full Version: GONZO!! ::angry voice::
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you broke your promise! i demand that you answer for it!!
i demand either:
1. an explanation with an apology
2. an apology and a replacement boon
3. what you promised

chop chop big boy! promises are not to be bandied about lightly!
i'll refrain from comment
your post was implied
I remember saying if you were good i'd consider it, I did and yeah.. no.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I remember saying if you were good i'd consider it, I did and yeah.. no.
you remember incorrectly.
go show me where I said that, fetch boy.
whatever you say, galt
challenging Arpi prove that what he makes up and passes off as fact is actually fact = being Galt.
I take that as a compliment then.
i win. again.
Galt Wrote:challenging Arpi prove that what he makes up and passes off as fact is actually fact = being Galt.
its going to take a 5 man team 3 years to diagram and explain this sentence.
what he meant was that me asking you to prove your claims resulted in you comparing me to galt.

Thus anytime someone asks you to back up your claims then in your eyes they are like galt.

It really wasn't that difficult to understand and I am ashamed for you.
No. That is right. Trust me.
yeah like I trusted you in the parking lot!!!
I offered you a sip of water.
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