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Quote:"so long as I'm good"

Keyser Soze Wrote:nobody cares fatboy. your sex life is more active than that disaster.
its just a messageboard. freak.
behave or we will have to muzzle you like they do on bored lonely people planet.
Galt Wrote:Despite his invitation for me to the join the board "so long as I'm good" he's still yet to unban my account.
he can't overide his co-owner becuse he's a fucking pussy, act like a man for once in your life.
only asked to "act" like a man when someone wants something...and when someone doesn't want to take responsbility for the things they do and address it with someone else directly.
Keyser Soze Wrote:behave or we will have to muzzle you like they do on bored lonely people planet.
*runs to open up the cells...just in case*
Gooch Wrote:only asked to "act" like a man when someone wants something...and when someone doesn't want to take responsbility for the things they do and address it with someone else directly.
why should people act directly when the supposed "higher road" people could do the same.
That's like Napolean calling Hitler a bad man.

We all know that you are a Drama Queen, you thrive on it. I hope your stomach staples get infected and you die.
yes, i'm the drama queen

that is clearly shown in this thread
so when am I getting unbanned?
i have a new ip now, if you want to block that to
how do we take up our requests directly with your master? we dont have a direct line to her, so we are using you as a liason.
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