Full Version: Say you find a dead body in the woods...
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I would do weird stuff to it like carve random letters and numbers on its chest, take off a few finger nails, put the shoes on the wrong feet and other such random things for no other reason than to just fuck with the police.
I'd carve "Galt" and "CDIH" on it's chest
offer it some water
that incident really scarred you for life, didn't it?
It did cause of the smirk on his face, as if the water had been poisoned.
I really wish I had been there when it went down.
I'd have never made it for sure in that situation.
i actually found a dead body when i was in middle school - i saw him from the window of our mini van
i told my mom - she didnt believe me
told me he was sleeping
i didnt think that much about it and believed her
the next day at school.... the principle announced some 5th graders had found a guy dead by the septic tank that morning
i laughed b/c i thought it was kinda funny that my mom had told me that he was just resting... am i evil?
ps the story is alot funnier in person... it loses something in the online translation
i swear it is funny in person... i didnt go into all the details... most ppl laugh when they hear it... really... i promise... im not a bad person....
I was agreeing with you.
coppelia Wrote:i actually found a dead body when i was in middle school - i saw him from the window of our mini van
i told my mom - she didnt believe me
told me he was sleeping
i didnt think that much about it and believed her
the next day at school.... the principle announced some 5th graders had found a guy dead by the septic tank that morning
i laughed b/c i thought it was kinda funny that my mom had told me that he was just resting... am i evil?
Yeah you are, i hope your turn inthe barrel isn't so fun.
a customer died at work once. it was pretty fucked up.
Did you at least get a tip from him before he kicked?
crx girl Wrote:a customer died at work once. it was pretty fucked up.
did he at least get his drink?
I've had sigs turned off for a while now cause of work, I just turned them back on and laz... GET RID OF THAT JONES SIG FUCKO!!!
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