Full Version: Why the fuck is Hedcold a mod?
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let us begin the baker era
hedcold will fill our cups with wine and our hearts with song
he aint done shit! where are the nude pics of joobies???
in the mod forum
Keyser Soze Wrote:he aint done shit! where are the nude pics of joobies???
you leave the adorerer of our new leader alone! he will be the bringer of light and joy to the darkness that is our board.
HedCold Wrote:in the mod forum
thanks again for those! :thumbs-up:
My examples of statuses were not good enough for the Hedcold.
i knew i would miss the perks of modship
Hawt Baux Wrote:My examples of statuses were not good enough for the Hedcold.
i am still awaiting my hook up. he will deliver as he is good and just. he will remember all of the solids i did him during my tenure and will come through. he rules!!
someone gave me a warning for this thread! what gives? explain yourself coward!
wasn't me
i knew that. you are a good mod who uses his powers wisely.
sadly, I am unable to track down who did it - I suspect it was one of the new kids.
i did no such thing, although i did think about doing it just for the hell of it

and i'm making sure the status i think up for you is just right!
one of those warnings might've been from me. sorry
How many warnings until he's gone forever?
Arpikarhu Wrote:someone gave me a warning for this thread! what gives? explain yourself coward!
I just wanted to see if it still worked.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:someone gave me a warning for this thread! what gives? explain yourself coward!
I just wanted to see if it still worked.
you prick! first you break your promise and now this! where will your madness end?
HedCold Wrote:i did no such thing, although i did think about doing it just for the hell of it

and i'm making sure the status i think up for you is just right!
i know you wont let me down, buddy! :thumbs-up:
Another strike, ouch.
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