Full Version: Edgy Britney!!!
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You'd think she could afford a skirt that fits.
Yeah well I guess i aim low cause i'd still fuck her.
Let's not go crazy and start calling that "low".
well everyone here is much better than I, so for me its aiming low since they have such high standards.
Her body doesn't look that much different and her face always looked like this off of magazines & cameras.

She's just trying to do what Christina's been doing for the past three years, too bad no one cares about her either.
britney = untalented trailer trash
but fuckable, nonetheless
shes fuckable but in that bars closing in 10 mins mercy fuck kind of way. take away the fact that shes britney spears and shes utterly revolting in that picture.
i still care about christina :loveya:
id fuck christina
Both of them at the same time.
I would love to hear the audio of that interview, lol just to hear her say dildo. Could use the laugh.
lol me too lol!
If she dies I'm right back in the Deadpool.
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