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2 members are celebrating their birthday today
Gooch (34) Rape Fantasizer (26)
Maybe you should wait in that dark hall in queens. You would get laid and she would get a great gift from you.
LOL, thanks.
34, single, fat, and balding.

You are going to die alone.
Woooooohooooo..the gift of truth just keeps on giving!
if everything he does is wrong, the opposite must be right!
"I'm unemployed and live with my parents"
"you keep baby pictures of yourself around the house?"
Galt Wrote:"I'm unemployed and live with my parents"
"true story"
happy birthday!!!!!! :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer:
You made it another year, enjoy one more.
wow, gooch is well... kinda like... old.
he's reaching arpi creepy old message board guy status
one of us! one of us!
yes but arpi atleast still has his.. well he has.. he's got a really big fuckin post count!!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:yes but arpi atleast still has his.. well he has.. he's got a really big fuckin post count!!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:wow, gooch is well... kinda like... old.
sorry gramps.