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I bet laz yells at the TV when news programs talk about DNA cloning and you must really wanted to strangle everyone during the OJ trial..

you said brother!!!
if anyone needs any clarifying info about cells I am a molecular biology major so you can run it past me
a future NFL star and a Biologist, are there no limits to your glory, renaissance man?
i bet velocitee has been on clandestine missions with OAS. she played pussy galore to OAS's james bond.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1094330137
He's more like the timothy dalton of bonds.
yeah! what you said!!
wll now, aren't you the agreeable one lately.
whoa! got me on that one! ha ha!
Yeah, so that whole imclone story of yours was a big lie wasn't it?
ha ha! that old gag! ha ha! you are slaying me!
you sure showed me there, I thought I had you.
WOO HOO! i just blew a snot bubble! ha ha!
I wish I coulda been there to see it buddy!!! I bet it was the cats pajamas.
ha ha! cats in pajamas! now that is funny!
I once shot a cat in my Pajamas and how he got in my pajamas I'll never know.
ha ha! he'll never know! ha ha!1
yeah! what dice said! ha ha!
dice also says UGEEEGEEEGEEE ha ha!
that isnt so funnny
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