Full Version: "evolution didn't happen"
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This happened to me yesterday, there is this bible thumping bitch at work that is riding my last nerve. This bitch always praises jesus and talks about the bible and this and that. She is always talking about how gays will burn in hell and so on, yet she has 2 kids both different fathers, shes 21 years old, she smokes weed all the time and goes out and drinks basically every other night while her sister watches her kids. A bunch of us go to chili's yesterday for lunch and she came along and during dinner for whatever reason we were talking about sex and then how dogs hump stuff and whatever and she just blurts out "yeah I dont get that whole evolution thing it doesn't make sense"

Then even after everyone, myself included tried explaining the concept and theory to her her whole answer was "yeah that's just nonsense" and that was it, I mean we came up with very well thought out arguments and had examples and so on and that was her whole argument, that god created everything the way it is and it is perfect cause god made it.

This is also the same person who always tried to be the know it all and no matter what you say she has a better way or as she puts it "the right way". Yeah we're standing around and I was waiting for a credit report to come in over the fax and she was just bullshitting with the receptionist and whatever it was she says yeah thats like 12 bucks and 6 people, so thats like......

I am looking at her and thinking, no fuckin way... 12 times 6... come on give me a fuckin break. You are a loan officer, you should have some basic understanding of addition and subtraction. At worse just do a quick 6 times 10 is 60 and 6 times 2 is 12, 72 bam!!!

like 8 seconds go by and I see her reach for a post it pad and a pen, I just yell out "JESUS CHRIST, FUCKIN 72 COME ON!!!!"

She looks at me all nasty and shit "well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!!! I ain't no math whiz, ok?"

its fuckin 6 times 12..... you dont need to be a fuckin whiz!!!!

"and dont be takin the lords name in vain!!"

"fuck the lord, tell him he can suck my dick!!!"

yeah shes pissed at me big time I bet, she spent the rest of the day tellin me how much I need jesus in my life.

Its a fun office I tell ya, fun!!!

Thankfully come end of next week she is gone.
Ever notice how some of the biggest Bible thumping Jesus freaks are the most hypocritical self righteous shitbags??

I got one for you. I worked in a security firm back in the mid 90's before I got on the job. We had to file certain things and I started bitching about how people weren't filing stuff alphabetically. Her response, was "Well, there are people who didn't have the same education as you." This is third grade stuff here, and I find it hard to believe that people can't do things in alphabetical order. I asked her about horoscopes and she didn't read them cause it was of the devil.. Asked me why I did something and told her why I did it, and she promised to leave it between us. Bitch wrote me up. I had a concern about something, "That's your problem" Fucking cunt...
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