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What does this butoon do? - :laugh: :O :angry: Cool ??? :Wink: :p Smile Sad Big Grin
where did tequila's post go???
Quote:where did tequila's post go???
Look above you!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Quote:yeah, me too
That goes with out saying.

Edited By Tequila on 1108145248
excuse you?
Quote:excuse you?
Sorry. Did I pass gas again?
You still need 330 posts
This is harder than I thought.
Danked your only off by 60
But I started in October.
Your still slacking.
I have no weed. But this forum need to be acknowledged.
What kind do you want, Sour Diesel, Hydro, Haze, Arizona Brick, Orange Tang?
ooooooh, you're not allowed to sell here. I'm gonna tell
oooh I love your witty sarcastic remark burn girl but anyway I am here to confess that I smoked marijuana... and it was without danked.... there I said it.

I felt dirty but things happened and pressures were applied, you know how it is.
doood some weed with me
What the fucking fuck fuck?

When was this!?!?
he also got a blow job from a hooker and his dick didn't fall off yet. don't you pay any attention?
we also have the archives of YMB and on CDIH, now.
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