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Pugz Wrote:in that case yes i am a .netter
I am your founding father.
and who is my founding father
Some us aren't bastards, I KNOW WHO MY DADDY IS!!!
time to get trashed and start a bar fight :8:
i like how all the posters that goatweed vouches for turn out to be borderline retards
Hi Laz
he's ok so long as he takes his meds.
friend of yours?
somewhat - an "e" friend
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:obvious
yes, yes you are.
that was for gomez, you douche. you post jumped me.
I still stand by my comment.
and i stand by mine, douchebag.
yeah ok, I got it captain obvious, no need to be overly obvious now.
fine words from someone who posted about someones vagina liking vinegar.
you made that point in the other thread, fuckin obvious.
it was so awful it needed repeating.
after the threads you started today, you have no room to speak.
i miss the old gonzo
Not as much as I do.
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