Full Version: Chicken Machine!!
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E-mail your choice of best O&A soundbyte to me.

You can reach me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
well, that went well.
No one has had a career as illustrious as mine. It's ok, not all can aspire to levels of greatness such as my own.
Does no one remember the CHICKEN MACHINE????
I think I do...I'm not sure.
The chicken spins, and it lays an egg!
Vaguely. Prizes are in the eggs?
GonzoStyle Wrote:No one has had a career as illustrious as mine. It's ok, not all can aspire to levels of greatness such as my own.
I am all thats left from the big bang party, when fingerbang said let there be offline gatherings.
dont make me use the rolling eyes smilie
I'm getting rid of that smiley.
enjoy it while it lasts.
GonzoStyle Wrote:E-mail your choice of best O&A soundbyte to me.

You can reach me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
i remember this post
good for you, now run along sonny.
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