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look for the history of Mary Magdeline anywhere you can find on Google, and it will say that she was a prostitute.

It's just a fallacy that's been assumed as fact for centuries, and the majority still believes she was a whore.

Now, I don't know about Columbus or not; but I thought I would just share that little bit of info.
I don't doubt that for a second, I also knew that, that might be something he would pick on if I had just said "do a google search", hence why I added go to the library as well.
Majority believes she's a whore because it fits with the story of Christ surrounding himself with the outcasts and sinners of society, and organized religion has been a very powerful force in the historical interpretation of the past.
so, she wasn't a whore?
Christ was her pimp.
she took pleasure in "spreading the Word of God"
-- Scientific Examination Attempts to Answer the Mystery Surrounding
his Birth, Life and his Death. Was he Genoese Italian, or Catalan
Spanish? Was he a Sephardic Jew Avoiding the Spanish Inquisition? --
-- A Special Program Premiers on August 1st at 10 PM (ET)--

That was the name of the program and it was quite interesting.

Who really knows the real truth though, because I sure as fuck wasn't around in 1492.
i don't know if i could sleep at night if i knew columbus wasn't italian
If he's Italian, how come we don't call him Columbo? Were they afraid we would confuse him with Peter Falk's great character?
Cause thats how his name was translated from Cristoforo Colombo.

Plus upon further review, Christopher had 3 younger brothers, Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino, and Giacomo, and a sister, Bianchinetta.

If giovanni isnt a wop name, I dunno what is.

On the other hand, I have heard the myth that the he might have been jewish, I never really looked into it though.
There's no such thing as an Italian Jew?
I said I hear the myth, I never said I believed it.

But according to my co-worker roman jews killed jesus.
one of my best friends is an italian jew
thats good, spic.
They imported Jews from Rome to kill Jesus? Surely they could have just rounded up some local Jews and put them in Roman outfits, just to cut the costs, duties, taxes that the importation of Roman Jews must have be saddled with.
so how about that native american genocide!
The Sleeper Wrote:so how about that native american genocide!
It worked.
It's all aboot the biological warfare.
the funny thing about this thread is i was talking to my co-worker about how we have to work on columbus day so i was like, "maybe the company doesn't approve of him, he was a controversial figure" referring to the killing indians thing and he goes "yea, people can't decide if he's italian or not!"
Quote:Ask not what your country can do to you; ask what you can do for your country
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