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comedy is based more on the physical aspect of puppets running, fighting, fucking, and getting blown up. Parts are hilarious, but like most physical comedy, it gets old after a bit.

The dialogue wasn't that funny, but I might have been biased because we were in the back with all the blackies who feel the need to talk over every scene and add their commentary, so I missed a lot of it. Plus, there were people in hysterics in the movie to the point where 10 seconds of dialogue was drown out by people having screaming fits of laughter.

The final "what did we learn" South Park type monologue is very clever to the point that I'm shocked that no one has ever drawn the comparison before. It's so obvious yet dead on.

Not a soul in the Bush administration was in the movie, nor was anyone even mentioned. I thought the movie would be slanted a lot more slamming American imperialism, but it really ends up basically supporting the cause for war.
I bet you just looked scrumptrulicious to all the blackies.
what kind of community do you live in that you have to watch movies with Blacks?
It may have seemed to support the war. but what media has since it has happened? If this was a war supporting movie (which I believe it is) then why not have it since the newspapers, 8:00 news and fuckin radio's support anti-war beliefs. It's only fair to hear both sides of an arguement as opposed to the liberal media suggesting and pushing their views at all times.

I'm drunk so ignore spelling and grammer....I saw it on a sneak preview the weekend before it came out...
Bill O'reilly supports it but he also supports men masturbating with vibrators.
what war does it support? i don't see how a movie about kim jong il giving weapons to terroists is supporting the war in iraq.
I personally didn't see the movie but had to take a shot at O'reilly, sorry.
believe it or not, other people posted stuff in this thread
forgive me and my ego.
it's understandable
fuck yeah.
crx girl Wrote:it's understandable
that time of the month, you know.
i saw it as supporting the war, or some form of action, just not in the way its being handled right now
Michael Moore should make a puppet movie and have a sex scene with Bush and Osama.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I personally didn't see the movie but had to take a shot at O'reilly, sorry.

yeah, i think it supported action against terrorists but that's not supporting the war.
crx girl Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I personally didn't see the movie but had to take a shot at O'reilly, sorry.

yeah, i think it supported action against terrorists but that's not supporting the war.
You scared me!!!
oh don't be silly
You're mean!!!
i'm not trying to be!
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