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my fight with hedcold was better though
Sleeper and I will fake fight and it will be hella fun.
yea it'll be great

blah blah shelle blah blah

blah blah virgin blah blah
Now lock it up and hide it!
IrishAlkey Wrote:Now lock it up and hide it!
you're still bitter about the flock thing, I told you not to mod him.
I never liked you, fatboy!
so bitter, that "hey flock, header, rooner you're unbanned" post didnt boost up activity, ey?
o&a sure have been mentioning wackbag a lot lately
Arpi causes the most traffic for this site.

I rest my case.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Arpi causes the most traffic for this site.

I rest my case.
I'll stop posting for a week again and disprove that.

I don't doubt that arpi causes traffic and is a great poster, at times I may not agree with him and such but I dont view any poster as "better" than anyone else, I appreciate everyone who posts here.
Even pieworld?

even hoon!!
This is another bit.
I have learned the art of simply ignoring the posters I don't care for instead of being a whining cunt about it, hence I appreciate everyones contribution even if I don't enjoy it personally.
You're an amazing specimen in the message board community.
I have yet to read a single post by wbk, see how fine thats worked out?
you are mean.
It's easy too, everytime I see his avatar I just keep goin and he and I have never once had any argument.
who's mavis?
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