Full Version: No offense or anything....
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always precedes something offensive. Just like when someone says, I don't want to be a dick/bitch, or I'm not racist, but.....
You're right.
The only benefit it has is that it's a less abrasive way to start a conversation.
I mean, it;s better than saying, "Listen up mother fuckers".
Hoon Wrote:You're right.
The only benefit it has is that it's a less abrasive way to start a conversation.
I mean, it;s better than saying, "Listen up mother fuckers".
That usually works better for me.
I was just sayin this last night to someone, except it was in brooklyn so it was "ya know, no offense or nuttin but...."

I said, fuckin kill that shit cause sayin "no offense or nuttin" is basically like saying, "listen up fucko, I don't fuckin like you but you can either kick my ass, are a relative or someone I have to deal with at work so i'm gonna say something mean but follow it in with a nice way of saying GO FUCK YOURSELF!!"

So then he says "ok fuckface, wheres that 20 bucks you owe me 2 months now!!!"

so then I said "thats better" and hung up and proceeded to disconnect the phone for the rest of the evening.
wont they just send someone over eventually?
not to go off topic or anything, but, one day, I saw this pair of shoes hanging on the power lines, and I was like, how did those get up there?
did you ever figure it out?
I don't want to go off topic.
isn't that how gang kids mark their territory?
Goatweed Wrote:wont they just send someone over eventually?
That fuckin midget comes down here, he'll be limpin home.