Full Version: Gonzypoo Appreciation Thread... - for fucko!
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gonzo is the babe ruth of message boards.
enough with the fat jokes.
The reason why rooner still likes hottie is because he thinks he has a chance to get his dick wet.
Quote:he thinks he has a chance to get his dick wet.

I want that framed and signed by DIG cause thats the funniest thing he ever said, you gonna spit some rhymes now, son?
Indeed, I cant wait to try and get in that shit yo. My wife even said I could.
you're married?

who in their right mind would commit to that?
He must have a great personality off the boards.
You had better watch out for TH. Date her more then once and you're married.
GonzoStyle Wrote:you're married?

who in their right mind would commit to that?
Im divorced AND married. WITH children. Ive done it all.
Then why not exact your revenge against your ex by posting her nudie pics for us to critique.
Hoon Wrote:Then why not exact your revenge against your ex by posting her nudie pics for us to critique.
If I had any, you can rest assured they would be everywhere.
I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
No wonder you divorced her.
She wouldn't let you take candids!
She prolly let the guy she was fucking though.
Ohhh, that's gotta suck.
hoon doesn't have to worry about stuff like that, the nearest girl is 50 miles away.
..and she works at Dunkin' Donuts.
im dumbfounded that creepy old men with kids actually post on these message boards.
Rooner isn't old.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Rooner isn't old.
exactly, thats why I was shocked that he was married.. let alone with kids.... let alone divorced.

when'd you start at 10?
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