Full Version: "Black" Skin
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Pages: 1 2
fucko > face pump
there is no "pump" skin.
black fucko makes no sense, silly.
black face!!!

I'm two seconds away from putting my fist through the monitor.
i know what you were referring to, i love to play dumb just to piss you idiots into a fury.
sorry, I didn't think that one through - this going-right-back-to-the-post thing is driving me nuts
the board is too fast now
You play dumb like hottie plays cunt.

now replace monitor with laz's face.
damn thats mean, come on take it back.
I am in such an awful mood tonight, blame jack for making me go back to the post I just made as if I am gonna find some fuckin easter egg hidden in my post.
i would im jack with my random death threats but he will ignore them as usual.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty!!!
Pages: 1 2