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Like LA's #8 "Rapist"
HedCold Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I don't own anything that says "Red Sox". I have one white hat that has a little blue emblem that says "Fenway Park", but that's it.

The only thing that annoys me more than overly religious people is people who treat sports like a religion. People who are actually talking about how this is proof that there is a God and what not.
The worst are the actual ballplayers themseleves. Fuckin schilling standing there talking about how god wasnt with him for game 1 of the yankee series but was with him for game 6 and his performance was all due to the power of god. If there is a god with all the shit in the world would he really care about a sporting event? Though from watching sports it would explain the shape the world is in since god is in every endzone, boxing corner, ballpark, golf course and every marginally interesting sporting event that takes place.
so bitter
It's the truth, I wanna hear someone have the balls to say during an interview "I boggled that double play cause of stupid god" or have Rolen say "I couldn't get a single hit in the series cause god sucks".
what about the rappers who got their phat beats from god?
it happens all the time, i don't even pay attention to it anymore.
that got 2pac real far, god must not have been in vegas.
The people cheering for the Red Sox at the beginning of the season just because they don't like the Yankees are just as bad as the people cheering for the Yankees cause they win...picking the team that has the best chance to beat the team everyone else cheers for is just as bad. I agree these people need to get a fucking life and pick a team for reasons other than jumping on the band wagon.
I'm going to Boston tomorrow.
I hope you get shot in the eye with a beanbag.
No you don't.
Well maybe not you but definitly a bunch of other people in boston.
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