Full Version: If Kerry wins, I am quitting the board
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what does who i vote for have to do with anything
what a baby, good riddance
I feel the same way
after reading the last couple of weeks of sleeper posts, i truly believe that he is in a state of depression and could become suicidal. i mean that 100% truthfully.
thus sleeper-lite
Arpikarhu Wrote:after reading the last couple of weeks of sleeper posts, i truly believe that he is in a state of depression and could become suicidal. i mean that 100% truthfully.
have a coke hookup?
not for years.
well then, goodbye cruel world
sleeper clearly wants to explore new intercommunicative mediums that the internet provides
Interact with real people...interesting.
Arpikarhu Wrote:not for years.
yeah, she won't talk to him anymore.
Sleeper is stealing my threaten to quit and take a sabbatical schtick for the same reason I do them, so that people pay attention to me because I have no other interaction with humans other than on the internet.
now that I got you to admit that, I might as well quit the board
Button pusher!!!
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