Full Version: In This Thread - I am Sleeper's virginity
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[Image: handball.gif]
Nice red x.
I don't get it
Hey dude!
The Sleeper Wrote:I don't get it
I'm right here, dude.
Stretch a little bit further. Maybe you'll find a joke somewhere.
Sleeper's virginity is a Pac-man playing hacky sack?
It's a yo-yo!
sleeper's virginity is retarded?
And now, before you all, I shall lose his virginity!
I really want some of that weed you're smokin'.
Somewhere Natalie Merchant is playing the violin, badly.
And I'm missing it......... for this.
It's playing with itself cause it has no friends to hang out with?
i got it and found it funny. see, its just sitting there, bored after so long, waiting for something to happen.