Full Version: Real World/Road Rules Battle of the sexes
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Pages: 1 2
STFU n00b!!!
Strike 1!!!
you should let your wife read this thread and let her learn her place.
I would, but she's tied up in the basement at the moment.
This thread should be the reference for everytime the argument of a woman president is ever presented.
a tampon running the country? that'll never happen.
My work is done.
GonzoStyle Wrote:My work is done.
now its facial time!
I already masturbated today, I don't do more than one a day anymore.
and you call ME gramps...
i bet he wheezes like a goldfish out of its bowl afterwards.
he needs to give up the smokes - I've felt MUCH better since I stopped.
Last time I share with any of you!!
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