Full Version: Gah damn f'n old people - Bring on hurling day!
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F’n old people. They are a threat to living in a safe society. During lunch I stopped at Home Depot. This old lady in front of me in the checkout line insists on digging 42 cents out of her coin purse to avoid getting excess change. This woman had to be 348 years old. Her arthritic ridden fingers took forever to function while she was trying to open her moth eaten coin purse and took forever to dig out the coins.

I then stop to get my hair cut. I come out of the place and while walking across the parking lot, this old f comes out of parking spot driving this Mercury Marquee and nearly runs me over. He never even saw me until I pounded on the hood of his car with my fist and got his attention.

One of my favorite episodes of the former sitcom Dinosaurs was one where Grandma Sinclair reached her birthday that was deemed to be to old to continue living and had to be hurled into the tar pits. Her son-in-law was so excited he was in his backyard the day before practicing his hurling techniques with sacks of flour.

Maybe we should adopt the dinosaurs Hurling Day practice and start hurling old people into tar pits.
arent you about 40 years past carnival?
This is just wrong....
OAS bitching about old people???

Dude isn't your family cemetary plot at Olduvai Gorge?
Gah damned self-hating geezer.....why are ya so pissed, cuz she wouldn't give up the spider web encrusted canyon for ya?
Metalfan Wrote:Gah damned self-hating geezer.....why are ya so pissed, cuz she wouldn't give up the spider web encrusted canyon for ya?
There isn't enough anal ease on the planet to lube that one up.
Quote:One of my favorite episodes of the former sitcom Dinosaurs was one where Grandma Sinclair reached her birthday that was deemed to be to old to continue living and had to be hurled into the tar pits. Her son-in-law was so excited he was in his backyard the day before practicing his hurling techniques with sacks of flour.
I really liked that show.