Full Version: Who would you want to do most - ya bunch of swine!
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Sean Cold Wrote:
Quote:My pampers need changing.

Oh stop yer bitchin already!

GS, will you please for the love of all that is aledgedly holy hold this boy to your breast!

Come on guys, I have much more pressing matters, you know, being the boss and all, then to have to sit here and coddle you ass fuckin douche bags!
Hold me.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:My pampers need changing.

Oh stop yer bitchin already!

GS, will you please for the love of all that is aledgedly holy hold this boy to your breast!

Come on guys, I have much more pressing matters, you know, being the boss and all, then to have to sit here and coddle you ass fuckin douche bags!
Hold me.
rump ridin faggit
POO-PANTS! :bouncer:
Whoever answered Alkey deserves to get their limbs cut off and dragged by a rope behind a forumula 1 racer.
Quote:is that a round about way of saying that i can't make you cum kitten?

Only one way to find out.

And Sluggo, I haven't forgotten you just haven't been calling me, what's up with that?

Alkey come here, I'm the only one who will put up with your ass, lol.
Sluggo Wrote:POO-PANTS! :bouncer:
Sluggo said POO
so many girls off this list.

Personally I voted for Anna Kornukova but Alba was my second. Spears is just too cunty for me. I don't care if it's a virgin or not i'd be far too interested in punching her face in.
Keyser Soze Wrote:My vote is for Pink Nips.
If you do her, you'll have to wipe the white powder off your dick.
Quote:Personally I voted for Anna Kornukova

Liar!...we all know you're the one who voted for Alkey.

Edited By av8er on Jan. 16 2002 at 10:14
what baffles me is that i have more votes then Jessica Alba and Britney Spears, ponderous, mother effin ponderous
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:is that a round about way of saying that i can't make you cum kitten?

Only one way to find out.

And Sluggo, I haven't forgotten you just haven't been calling me, what's up with that?

Alkey come here, I'm the only one who will put up with your ass, lol.
*runs to Uncle Gonzy*
virgingrrl Wrote:what baffles me is that i have more votes then Jessica Alba and Britney Spears, ponderous, mother effin ponderous
Cause you are the greatestest!
britney for me
Quote:britney for me
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
SHIT i over looked alkeys name on the list, can i change my answer?

Edited By NaughtyAngel on Jan. 17 2002 at 12:23
NaughtyAngel Wrote:
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
Hey, I do that even not on bar 9 nights
IkeaBoy Wrote:
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
Hey, I do that even not on bar 9 nights
who did u think u were trying to fool?
NaughtyAngel Wrote:
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
Hey, I do that even not on bar 9 nights
who did u think u were trying to fool?
does it matter now?
NaughtyAngel Wrote:
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
Hey, I do that even not on bar 9 nights
who did u think u were trying to fool?
does it matter now? i admitted it
IkeaBoy Wrote:
Quote:britney for me
ok mr ill go to a bar and sit alone all night
Hey, I do that even not on bar 9 nights
who did u think u were trying to fool?
does it matter now?
guess not
we were all trying to be nice though
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