Full Version: New korn - Did anyone else dl it yet?
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i downloaded a copy of korns new album, and as expected its nothing special. anyone else hear it?
I got it about 2 weeks ago. listened to it once, and haven't looked back. It sounds like Korn, but I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Edited By Kid Afrika on Mar. 27 2002 at 6:23
why bother?
LZMF1 Wrote:why bother?
"If it's for free, it's for me."
Korn is just another band that started out strong and then started pumping out garbage followup albums
I love that one tune they play..haven't heard any more though.
\m/ Smile \m/
Yeah I d/l this the other day. But it's like an edited out Wallmart version or some bullshit.

GO HERE! :fuggin:
Its the same old thing again. Its not good, its not bad. Its pretty adequate.