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keyser was right, sleeper is already flip-flopping.
This election is so close, what will sleepers fate be!!!!

This is actually the only reason I am watching the news, it's like when you have money riding on a game, makes it more interesting.
sleeper already backed out. he is now saying he will leave when he reaches 15k in posts. he will never leave and now he has lost my trust.
Hey you, get off my cloud!!
you would constitute the two in the crowd
It was a figure of speech, i'm not actually on a cloud, stupid!
GonzoStyle Wrote:It was a figure of speech, i'm not actually on a cloud, stupid!
oh, well, then never mind.
that site is giving it to Kerry.

They are saying that Kerry is going to take FLA
i see FL as going to Bush.
Galt Wrote:that site is giving it to Kerry.

They are saying that Kerry is going to take FLA
Not according to FR

Quote:Electoral landslide on the way?

Yahoo! ^
Do we have an electoral landslide on the way? Almost everything is trending pink or going red, and Kerry hasn't added a new state to his count since Illinois was called 2 hours ago. NH is showing up as pink now when previously it was light blue! FL, OH, MI(!), WI, CO, NM, AZ are all pink at the moment, as well. Sure Kerry will get CA, but that leaves him under 200 EV still, even with a win in PA. In football, you can beat the other team just as surely by running out the clock when you're ahead,...
FL =

Bush 3,481,754 52%
Kerry 3,178,350 47%
95% reporting
Your election news headquarters..GOOCH!
what are the networks waiting for? How gunshy are they about 2000? Bush is up in Florida by 400,000 votes with 97% reporting.
Ohio is so far 52-Bush and 48-Kerry with 64% of precincts reporting.

CNN reporting that some people in the Kerry campaign are already saying FL is lost.
Michigan, Minn, Iowa, and Oregon seem going to Kerry

NH looks Kerry..but tight

Washington, Wis is unclear.

personally, I think Bush will take Ohio and FL, and therefore take the election. But, I hope i'm wrong
of course florida is lost. Christ, they're down 400k with the absentee ballots traditionally favoring republicans 2:1
I'm getting dizzy, lets stay in one election thread, leave this thread as a goodbye/not really goodbye to sleeper...
It's over buddy, the dramas done.
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