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BM could've ran with it.

He's good.
I agree but he can still work it out with the negro angle and bring it back to monkeys.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I agree but he can still work it out with the negro angle and bring it back to monkeys.
aren't they the same thing?
Again, didn't I already cover that?
I dont know, I didn't bother reading all the posts. It wont happen again.
Colin Powell drinks Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Dunkin Donuts has monkeys sleeping there. Therefore Colin Powell is a monkey.
I've missed BM.
Now do Condoleeza!
Michael Jackson has a monkey named bubbles. Condoleeza rice likes champagne. Ipso facto, Condoleeza Rice is a monkey.
I feel so unworthy even posting in the same internets as you.
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