Full Version: Origins - I'm sure this has been done before...
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don't forget about what he had for lunch
that falls in the second category

well, ok, thats true, but he was s-e-x-y!
he really wasn't, he looked like lurch if he'd been a jew in poland of 42.
now you have gone too far. i wonder what happened to him.
He and VG got married and made babies.
i wish him well!

no, seriously, he has to be posting somewhere. someone needs to find out where so that we can invade and ruin it for him.
no seriously, no.
aw, c'mon. it would be a fun board project. something we could all do together to make someone else miserable.
I don't think anyone could make him any more miserable than he is.
George spotted Maynard at the Eagles of Death Metal concert with Ladi and some other person. I think I met them once before
you know something. you are protecting him. fess up!
That's all I know. Seriously
GonzoStyle Wrote:I don't think anyone could make him any more miserable than he is.
i killed him a few times in HALO2 tonight and yeah....he's still miserable.
Me and the 'other tomato' heard about after the bang party incident and we started posting as the Teen Tomato Boys...we ened up pissing off alot of people and eventually split into two seperate posters...the other one has since bored of message boards and I'm still here....Sluggo invited me here I think...or maybe it was Danked...or maybe Corpse...I reallly don't remember...been here since just before Sean left...
LZMF1 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I don't think anyone could make him any more miserable than he is.
i killed him a few times in HALO2 tonight and yeah....he's still miserable.
arpi can now rest easy.
I was literally 10 seconds away from posting a long-winded history of how I got here and how I'm indirectly responsible for this site even existing, but my computer inexplicably restarted. My cat may be to blame, I'm not sure. Oh well, maybe some other time.
I came here from Shit Throwing Monkeys.
can someone get Maynard's FTP back, instead of Maynard?
someone find maynard!!
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