Full Version: American Idiot - GREEN DAY?!?!
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I picked this up today after avoiding it like the plague for 2 months because...well, it's fucking Green Day. But I was at CD World picking up some DVD's and they had this big-ass display and I've heard all kinds of good things so I figured why not, how bad can it be?

The verdict: this rocks! Really, really great fucking album. I'm actually shocked how good it is. They've moved away from the bullshit pop-punk sound and made what's basically a punk-rock-opera. It's surprisingly complex, with lots of signature changes and long songs.

Give it a listen, trust me. I have a new respect for a band that I've written off for years as basically talentless hacks. They aren't.
good album, I like the second track a lot.
Dookie was a classic, I havent listened to this yet for whatever reason but i'll grab it off torrent and give it a whirl.
CD World sells DVDs?????

What a misnomer.
I tried giving this CD a listen, but I really dint care for it at all. The singer's voice annoys the fuck out of me, and I didn't find the music to be all that amazingly different than what they usually play (albeit, most of it was a lot longer than their usual 3 1/2 garbage).