Full Version: In this thread, DIG will tell us about his weekend
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find me some punk lyrics that have to do with Pat Buchanan and isolationism
if that is the example you are going to fight with then your reading comprehension skills are lower than your understanding of world politics. something i didnt think possible.
and there are plenty of punk bands that preach intolerance of other cultures and the ideas of isolationism without actuallly using the word "isolationism".
what? when i said the free market was exploitative? well it is! I'm not calling for some socialist revolution. I just think there's lots of flaws in the free market that need to be regulated especially when we globalize everthing and cost America jobs.
Arpikarhu Wrote:and there are plenty of punk bands that preach intolerance of other cultures and the ideas of isolationism without actuallly using the word "isolationism".
name them
New Model Army is a good example.
I've never heard of them, you are more punk than me
you asked for an example, i gave one.

to use the words of whackbag:

he uses more exclamation points
wow your life has reached an alltime low, you are now quoting ME.
a guy wished death on me tonight
i don't know. we were all sitting around smoking a bowl and he just suddenly tells me he wishes i was dead. i only just met him.
sounds like a new healthy relationship
crx girl Wrote:i don't know. we were all sitting around smoking a bowl and he just suddenly tells me he wishes i was dead. i only just met him.
did at any time during the conversation you include the word aluminium?
or lorry?
crx girl Wrote:i don't know. we were all sitting around smoking a bowl and he just suddenly tells me he wishes i was dead. i only just met him.
he must post here.
yeah, that must be it
She must have killed his kitten.
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