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GonzoStyle Wrote:Galt & Gooch gave me my 50 bucks worth for this month, you're all saved.

Gooch is a giver.
in all seriousness, these new smileys suck.
Goatweed Wrote:in all seriousness, these new smileys suck.
That's your part of the 50, don't complain to me.
What happened to the 6000 other ones?
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:in all seriousness, these new smileys suck.
That's your part of the 50, don't complain to me.
I had nuttin to do with it - that was all Jack.
that fuckin guys always been a problem, I blame you.
I hear that Opus guy is pretty good.
GonzoStyle Wrote:that fuckin guys always been a problem, I blame you.
bullshit - you wanted to get rid of (essentially) all the smileys, I wanted to keep a select few - he chose to do neither, and kept a few that apparently he likes.

therefore, it's all his fault.

I see where you and I stand now, however.
Is this going to lead to another Jack thread telling us Gonzo secrets?
oh man, if you only knew...
yeah yeah I blew his mortgage off!!
he still hasn't gotten over it, either!!!
I really really REALLY doesnt like Gonzo. When do we get the free beer and wings again? wings. the hotter the better!
here? no shit!
actually you have to leave your home to get them. sorry
oh. damn.
i guess what i should've said is i get free beer and wings every sunday
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