Full Version: What the fuck is going on here?
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people actually go there?
some do, yes.
some people also go to Olive Garden. theres no accounting for bad taste!
I go with the understanding that it's not exactly top shelf, but it's a nice step-up from an Applebees or a Friday's.
its a step up from a soup kitchen
I just bought a laptop for $115.00.

15.4 Inch Screen, 1GB DDR 2100 Laptop Memory and a 60GB hard drive.

It uses a Desktop P4 processor.

No I just gotta get the processor.
where the fuck did you buy that, red lobster?

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1103592063
Clearance sale at CompUSA.

Makes up for my lack of Bonus this year.
I could use a cheap laptop - sign me up for one of those too.

I am the grand champion of the universe
as if there was any doubt
jack, you want to sell any of those clearance items?
I asked first!!!
im second in line
where'd Jack go?
baker was choking on a hot pocket
i'm 3rd!!!!

i came close to buying a new computer this year, but decided to upgrade my OS, harddrive and drivers instead. I'm using the rest of the cash for a class this coming new year.
i bought a new laptop this year. i kinda fried the old one.

and since this seems to be the thread for random thoughts. as of today i am the only member of my family in the country. i think i'm having some abandonment issues.
i bought myself a nice 19" mag flat screen monitor. im still holding on to my Sony VAIO desktop with a 800mhz celeron processor. it seems to do what i need it to do, but i may finally break down and build that pc ive been saying i would.
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