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Courtesy of O&A Uncensored

oauncensored: hi sir
ZippyAidsFace: hu
ZippyAidsFace: yes!!!
oauncensored: would you mind doing an interview with oa uncensored
oauncensored: ?
ZippyAidsFace: sure bbuddy!!!!
oauncensored: haahahahahaaaaa
ZippyAidsFace: I think they're swell!!!
ZippyAidsFace: with a capital swell!!!
oauncensored: so, you're one of the elder statesmen of the opie and anthony scene
ZippyAidsFace: indeed I am!
ZippyAidsFace: THE gonzostyle!
ZippyAidsFace: that me
oauncensored: how do you feel about your current status in "THE SCENE" ?
ZippyAidsFace: oh gee, you know these young ones they have no clue how it was in the golden age!
ZippyAidsFace: way back when
ZippyAidsFace: in the begining of the century
oauncensored: for the younger ones, could you describe "DAS GOLDEN AGE" ?
ZippyAidsFace: JA!!!
ZippyAidsFace: oh we were a small community but tight!!
ZippyAidsFace: like an untouched hymen, thats how tight!!!
oauncensored: wow
oauncensored: thats hella tight
ZippyAidsFace: then some guy fucked some chick and some old guy who liked hanging out with young folks to make pretend he was still young called and ratted everyone out and then all these fucks come and ruin our fun
ZippyAidsFace: ya dig?
oauncensored: what was that old creepy guys name again?
ZippyAidsFace: if you ask me, I blame it all on the music all this hippoty hoppity nonsense!
ZippyAidsFace: fingerbang they called him!
oauncensored: ah yes
oauncensored: thats the one
ZippyAidsFace: he got his name from south park which was probably to him a way to seem in touch with the young kids even though he was a foot and a half in the grave
oauncensored: seems like theres some creepy old folks lurking around in the O&A SCENE
ZippyAidsFace: oh man, and sure then some yes
oauncensored: do you think that has to do with O&A actually being creepy old men themselves?
ZippyAidsFace: you believe theres a middle aged man who still tells people to toss his salad and gets off on people telling him fuck you?
ZippyAidsFace: you believe that?
ZippyAidsFace: well that opie is a fine fella, he never pretended to like us and I respected him for that
oauncensored: i shant
ZippyAidsFace: but that anthony, he's pretty fuckin creepy if I may say so.
ZippyAidsFace: you shan!!!
ZippyAidsFace: believe it
oauncensored: fine
oauncensored: you're the old sage
oauncensored: but not creepy!
ZippyAidsFace: well some people think I am creepy I guess, who the fuck cares.
oauncensored: what do you think about these folks at wackbag? they seem to be trying to avoid the fiasco that occured at dot com by being very censored
oauncensored: do you think thats a smart way to go or will that wind up biting them in the ass?
ZippyAidsFace: well i'm gonna let you in on a little piece of info that few people know
ZippyAidsFace: I was an admin on wackbag
oauncensored: really???
ZippyAidsFace: yeeeeees I waaaas!!!!
oauncensored: do tell
ZippyAidsFace: oh I had 4,5 even 6 forums under me at one time!!
oauncensored: you were quite the man about town
ZippyAidsFace: indeed I was
oauncensored: what happened?
ZippyAidsFace: see all the mods and members who later on mocked and "invaded" wackbag actually were members there
ZippyAidsFace: people like upuauat and seancold and opak, etc
oauncensored: what about mavric?
ZippyAidsFace: seancold invited me, everyone went there after the bang party thing when there was chaos on .com
ZippyAidsFace: mavric was like herpes, he just came with the package and never went away
oauncensored: so you started at .com and moved on to wackbag?
ZippyAidsFace: well stingray took a liking to me, which most people do since I am such an affable person
ZippyAidsFace: yes!!!
ZippyAidsFace: they all did for a while
oauncensored: interesting
ZippyAidsFace: some even stayed for many months
ZippyAidsFace: seancold was a mod on wackbag as well!
oauncensored: and what was wackbag like in those days?
oauncensored: fascinating
ZippyAidsFace: oh it was.... it was as gay as it always was but ofcourse at the time it was the current "haven" which lasted all of two minutes till everyone figured out it was the same group of people who ruined the previous board and would do the same there and any other board they would ever post on
ZippyAidsFace: like locust
oauncensored: so what happened that led you to leave wackbag?
oauncensored: locusts are awful pests!
ZippyAidsFace: it's like changing putting a fresh pair of pants on and not changing your underwear or showering, yet hoping you ain't gonna stink.
oauncensored: i know that old trick well!
ZippyAidsFace: no matter what "new" board you go to to "get away", if you got the same rotten core group of people, eventually its gonna implode!
oauncensored: is that what led to your leaving wackbag?
ZippyAidsFace: well what led to me leaving wackbag was when it became a "who's the better oa fan site?" war between wackbag and and it was bullshit. Who cares who is better, just co-exist but stingray wouldnt give in and started to edit people and such, so I said fuck it and left.
ZippyAidsFace: was where I started and if it came down to loyalty, mine isnt bought with modships
ZippyAidsFace: I never cared about that shit
oauncensored: do you think thats whats occuring now with them and dot net?
oauncensored: or as they refer to them "THOSE DAMN DOT NETTERS!!!"
ZippyAidsFace: to be honest with you, I hope the show does well and I am not one of those who will bad mouth the show or whatever, it's my choice not to listen but I dont force it on anyone else. I have never been to .net and I havent been to wackbag in a very long time. But shit never changed so if stingray, mavric and fofofatfingers are still there then it's never gonna be a place for people to speak freely.
ZippyAidsFace: it's about appeasement
ZippyAidsFace: who gets mentioned, etc
ZippyAidsFace: like when stingray paid to get into studio for the 55 gallon drum challange
oauncensored: wow
oauncensored: he paid?
ZippyAidsFace: yeah a couple g's from what he said
oauncensored: stop!
ZippyAidsFace: a "donation" he called it
oauncensored: now you're fibbing mr. style
ZippyAidsFace: ask him
ZippyAidsFace: he'll freely admit it
ZippyAidsFace: and is even proud of it
ZippyAidsFace: and proud of the fact that he left them mousepads with "" written on them.
ZippyAidsFace: probably using white out
ZippyAidsFace: when I told him that they threw them out a long time ago he got very defensive and upset
ZippyAidsFace: but refused to believe me
ZippyAidsFace: I met stingray once, he seemed like a nice guy outside all the bullshit. he had some fruity tats but a nice guy.
oauncensored: is it true he once had a beef with sean cold?
ZippyAidsFace: yes
oauncensored: what was that all about?
ZippyAidsFace: and one of his friends actually went to seans apartment and left a death threat on his door
oauncensored: wow
oauncensored: thats crazy
ZippyAidsFace: stingray lived about 5 blocks or so away from sean at the time in the bronx
oauncensored: i see
ZippyAidsFace: well it was around the time I left, sean then left and I never really spoke to stingray after that but sean and he kept on arguing with eachother for months after that
ZippyAidsFace: they both were at fault I guess cause they couldnt just let go
oauncensored: sting denies he paid to get into the studio by the way
ZippyAidsFace: well then he is a liar
ZippyAidsFace: he admitted it many times in wackbag chat back in the day
oauncensored: i see
oauncensored: he doesnt want to admit it now i guess
oauncensored: thats rather embarrasing id say
ZippyAidsFace: I dont honestly care if he wants to deny it then so be it. I have no beef with him and dont care about o&a or his board, more power to them. I got no reason to make that shit up.
oauncensored: i hear ya mr. style
ZippyAidsFace: he runs it the way he sees fit and his members must not mind cause came and went and he's still around
oauncensored: you've always been a stand up guy
ZippyAidsFace: I tries
oauncensored: do you think people will rebel against the current climate of wackbag?
oauncensored: the site is moderated way beyond it has ever before
ZippyAidsFace: I think that would be uber gay, its a message board and if your life is so empty and shallow that you want to stage a coup on a board that a billionth of a percent of the world knows about, then re-evaluate your life. If you don't like it then just leave, thats my opinion. I personally feel a message board is as good as its members, so let the members dictate how its run.
oauncensored: excellent point
oauncensored: can you tell us a little about ?
ZippyAidsFace: eh, cdih was the "in" haven while was around. It was pretty good for a while but now its basically a small but tight knit group who have basically been posting together since I let the people post what they want, where they want and let the memebers run it. I have no rules, which is how a text message board should be run in my opinion. It costs a pretty penny to run every month but I care for the people there and am willing to bear the brunt, I get some help from an admin there goatweed with the bills and I am gonna keep it up till i'm the last one left. If people wanna leave, thats fine, if they wanna stay thats fine too.
oauncensored: do they discuss O&A on CDIH?
ZippyAidsFace: they can if they wish too, they can discuss anything they want. I don't delete threads or members, never have and never will and I dont allow any of my mods to either. who the fuck am I to say to anyone what they can and cant communicate?
ZippyAidsFace: as long as it aint illegal I guess, like selling drugs.
oauncensored: the truth will set you free!
ZippyAidsFace: I guess
oauncensored: what about YMB? what happened to them? it seemed they were looking to become the defacto O&A fan site when the show returned but they seem to have imploded.
ZippyAidsFace: well it goes back to what I said before, you had the same core group from there. Many who couldnt understand that YMB was not, they acted as if it was still and carried over the same drama and feelings. It was a new pair of pants with the same shitty underwear, alkey did his best though and I applaud him.
oauncensored: yes, alkey is another one of the elder statesmen i have heard of
oauncensored: his threads are legendary!
ZippyAidsFace: yeah he had some gems
ZippyAidsFace: alkey is good people
ZippyAidsFace: is that all?
oauncensored: and now for the Bernard Pivot questionnaire
ZippyAidsFace: sure
oauncensored: what turns you on?
ZippyAidsFace: pussy
oauncensored: what turns you off?
ZippyAidsFace: dishonesty
oauncensored: your favorite word?
ZippyAidsFace: ooh a good one
ZippyAidsFace: yes
oauncensored: "yes" is your favorite word
ZippyAidsFace: yes
oauncensored: ok
oauncensored: what is your least favorite word?
ZippyAidsFace: impossible
oauncensored: what sound or noise do you love?
ZippyAidsFace: laughter
oauncensored: what sound or noise do you hate?
ZippyAidsFace: laughter when its someone laughing at their own joke
oauncensored: oh i hate that, excellent answer!
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
ZippyAidsFace: writer
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you NOT want to attempt?
ZippyAidsFace: meter maid
oauncensored: what is your favorite swear word?
ZippyAidsFace: for me its a combo of two, cocksucking motherfucker
oauncensored: excellent!
oauncensored: if heaven exists, what yould you like to hear G-d say to you as you enter the Pearly Gates?
ZippyAidsFace: fuck, I knew you'd get here one day, oh well try not to stick your dick in the mashed potatos.
oauncensored: splendid!
oauncensored: mr. are a legend and a true gentleman. thank you again for your time
ZippyAidsFace: anytime

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1103878016
Bright, beautiful, genius!
I can't believe I took that seriously...

I repeat, I am soooo fuckin queer.
you know you loved it
keysers on a roll.
may i interview you next?
your roll wouldn't last the interview.
get on AIM sir

((wipes off sweat on brow....

and crumbs off shirt))
That was really enlightening.
no matter how many times your hear the story, it seems you always learn something new from it. Bravo!
Keyser should have been more prepared I think, after reading the other interviews I think you blew it with me... especially since I had just gotten home after the xmas party at work and was pretty wasted.
yes the fact that you skipped the what board members have you slept with question.
and the when was the first time you meet laz question.
the 1st question yeah, the second.. who gives a fuck but you and me?
there are so many lost opportunities in this interview.
I just remembered that during the interview I was IM'ing jack and had an entire convo with him, then realized I was actually talking to Baker the whole time. So he finally admitted it and told me to IM jack on another name and I said "sorry i'm doin an interview!!!".
i require a follow up interview
can i watch?
Keyser Soze Wrote:i require a follow up interview
you damn right you do! I'm an expose, a seven part series, I am not one little interview you fuckin peasant!!
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