Full Version: Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
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Holy shit me and my friends found this gun, and we loaded it up and then went outside and tried to shoot and break every window we saw. I found I have such a better shot than my mom! holy crap, it was crazy, I hope I didnt kill anybody, wouldnt that be like totally LOL???
it woulda been funnier if your were drunk and it was your mom instead of you.
I <3 Jays
Cause you are a homosexual and love skinny blond boys
so the rumors are true then?
They took the stone from here!
[Image: floods.jpg]
lush Wrote:Cause you are a homosexual and love skinny blond boys
Im secure enough in my sexuality to tell another heterosexual man I love him. Why must everything be a gay joke to you ? I think you have some homophobic issues to deal with. It shames me to call you my friend when you have such a closed mind with such hatred.
DIG's post made me laugh alot.

Would have been funnier if he put "THEY STOLE OUR CHILDREN!"
Quote:JediGmann (8:39:29 PM): im gay
I rest my case.
one can be gay without actually being gay... think about it.
is that your way of saying you're gay?

the shooting cum on your own face stuff was a much better way to tell us.
GonzoStyle Wrote:one can be gay without actually being gay... think about it.
Dont help them. Youre supposed to be on my side.
He's right behind you...

Wakka wakka wakka!!