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[00:28] soupsoupad: you ready now?
[00:28] PatrickFnBateman: sure I guess
[00:29] soupsoupad: ok lets start with a little background
[00:29] soupsoupad: where did you grow up?
[00:29] PatrickFnBateman: Cape Cod
[00:29] PatrickFnBateman: Falmouth to be exact
[00:29] soupsoupad: middle class, upper middle class?
[00:30] PatrickFnBateman: well depends on your definition. I'd say middle class
[00:30] PatrickFnBateman: father was a public high school teacher; mother was an RN took taker of Alzheimer's hospice folks
[00:30] PatrickFnBateman: both since retired
[00:30] PatrickFnBateman: two older brothers and a younger sister
[00:31] PatrickFnBateman: ...
[00:31] PatrickFnBateman: over
[00:31] soupsoupad: and how did you enjoy your high school years?
[00:31] soupsoupad: which clique were you in?
[00:31] PatrickFnBateman: eh. I'd say I was an outsider to the popular clique
[00:32] PatrickFnBateman: I wasn't really popular, but I was friends with them all.
[00:32] soupsoupad: did you play sports?
[00:32] PatrickFnBateman: I played two varsity sports, honor society, activities all the things that those guys did. I was friends with them all, but when it came to the weekends, I was kind of introverted and didn't go out much
[00:33] PatrickFnBateman: plus my father taught at my high school and so I used the excuse of "I don't want to get caught" for staying at home and playing video games
[00:33] soupsoupad: is that your personality today? introverted still?
[00:33] PatrickFnBateman: more outgoing now definitely
[00:34] soupsoupad: what would you attribute to coming out of your shell?
[00:34] PatrickFnBateman: after college, I still saw life as kind of passing me by, so I forced myself into an uncomfortable situation in sales where I'd either overcome my shyness and succeed, or I wouldn't and I wouldn't have really risked that much
[00:35] PatrickFnBateman: I really took too it, gained more confidence, and I really noticed how much I'd changed at my HS reunion
[00:35] soupsoupad: are you forced to be nice to people you dont want to in sales? sometimes feigning interest in them?
[00:36] PatrickFnBateman: No. It's very easy to avoid those you don't like. That's one of the best things about sales
[00:36] PatrickFnBateman: you only build relationships with those you get along with. Everyone else you just blow off. I'm going to miss that now that I'm moving out of sales
[00:37] soupsoupad: interesting, i didnt realize you could be choosy
[00:37] soupsoupad: i thought it was more sink or swim
[00:38] PatrickFnBateman: I mean the act of cold calling, which is basically the same as trying to pick a girl. up. What's the first line? How do I approach her? If you come at cold calling like it's a nuisance, no one's going to want to talk to you. I felt it would be a hurdle I'd have to overcome to become more gregarious
[00:38] PatrickFnBateman: well it's sink or swim, but then once you start doing well, then you can start cutting the fat off the clients that suck.
[00:38] soupsoupad: i see
[00:39] soupsoupad: when did you become active on message boards?
[00:39] PatrickFnBateman: So I did that, I enjoyed it, but then I got burned out, and so I had enough and looking to move
[00:39] PatrickFnBateman: really the first one was
[00:39] soupsoupad: and you were a fan of the show?
[00:39] PatrickFnBateman: when I was in college, I posted a bit on the Simpsons newsgroup, but OA was the first time really
[00:40] PatrickFnBateman: yeah. I went to college in Boston, listed to AAF, thought they were great. My oldest brother turned me onto them when I was in high school in the mid 90s
[00:40] soupsoupad: what drove you to want to post on the board?
[00:41] PatrickFnBateman: I loved them. They were hiliarous. Great bits, listened to the April Fools Mayor's bit nearly the whole day and loved it. Shocked me that anyone bought it
[00:41] PatrickFnBateman: I was close to quitting my job in '01 right when they got synidcated and so I was swimming in time
[00:41] PatrickFnBateman: I worked like an hour a day just biding my time and collecting outstanding commission checks, but not doing anymore work so it wouldln't be hard for me to leave
[00:42] PatrickFnBateman: I heard them mention the board, I went on
[00:42] soupsoupad: what did you think of the board initially?
[00:42] PatrickFnBateman: I had also actually been on Mr Hat's Hellhole right when South Park came out first, coincidentally. I used to go on that site all the time for pictures and sound clips, etc
[00:43] PatrickFnBateman: There was defintely the hesitation of people shitting on you and don't ever question a veteran and what-not, but I think that's expected.
[00:43] soupsoupad: did you act defiant to those rites?
[00:44] soupsoupad: or just go with the flow?
[00:44] PatrickFnBateman: my first thing was posting how much I hated Norton. But I was retarded in my communication. Made no sense, connected Norton's hack act with terrorism. It was debacle.
[00:44] PatrickFnBateman: I got my ass handed to me
[00:44] soupsoupad: you still hate norton to this day
[00:44] soupsoupad: right?
[00:44] PatrickFnBateman: Yes. He's painfully bad
[00:44] PatrickFnBateman: one of the main reasons I stopped listening
[00:44] PatrickFnBateman: 1 Norton
[00:45] soupsoupad: he has become a major part of the show
[00:45] PatrickFnBateman: 2. Opie's annoying forced cackle
[00:45] PatrickFnBateman: 3. contests, contests, and more contests
[00:45] PatrickFnBateman: 4. Anthony being a bitch
[00:45] PatrickFnBateman: I hear the show's better now, but I'm not getting XM, and I'm no hipster like HedCold to get all the streams.
[00:45] PatrickFnBateman: I'll take everyone's word for it.
[00:46] soupsoupad: its on some torrent site
[00:46] PatrickFnBateman: blah, they're all shutting down. I'll live w/o the show. Haven't listend to them in 2 1/2 years
[00:47] soupsoupad: i think it tough to force people to pay for radio
[00:47] PatrickFnBateman: I was all gung-ho for the show. I was one of those mindless "don't ever say anything negative about the boys" for the first few months I was listening
[00:47] soupsoupad: they're starting to try to syndicate the censored show to fm
[00:47] PatrickFnBateman: first started. Right around August of '01
[00:47] PatrickFnBateman: heard that
[00:48] soupsoupad: lets go back to
[00:48] PatrickFnBateman: sure. lead me
[00:48] soupsoupad: did you ever have a run in with any mods there?
[00:48] PatrickFnBateman: well, does anthony count?
[00:48] PatrickFnBateman: and of course FMJ
[00:48] soupsoupad: anyone
[00:48] PatrickFnBateman: but none of the mods I don't think
[00:49] soupsoupad: tell us about fmj
[00:49] PatrickFnBateman: I never really knew who was mod and who wasn't.
[00:49] soupsoupad: faceman, slash, just jon, gonzo, froy, liquid ice, off the top of my head
[00:49] PatrickFnBateman: well he presented himself as the Socrates in a land of philosophers
[00:49] PatrickFnBateman: he was the tech god of all tech gods
[00:50] PatrickFnBateman: he knew everything, any time anyone would disagree with him, he'd bring up his trump card of banning or deleting or whatever
[00:50] soupsoupad: did he have that power on
[00:50] soupsoupad: im not sure he did
[00:51] PatrickFnBateman: he was an admin a tthe time
[00:51] PatrickFnBateman: I started a thread with a picture, I forget what, he made some wiseass comment about a red x
[00:52] PatrickFnBateman: in fact it was something that the Yahoo groups made it so you couldn't see a picture unless you changed something on his settings, so I said it was somthing in his settings not my picture
[00:52] PatrickFnBateman: he got all "don't tell a web developer about technology" high horse and since I knew he was wrong, I got way condescending and mocking
[00:52] PatrickFnBateman: this only pissed him off more, plus everyone was laughing because he was wrong some technology. I think his brain exploded
[00:53] soupsoupad: he didnt like being wrong
[00:53] PatrickFnBateman: he tried to delete me, someone stopped him, he got de-adminned and kicked offf the site
[00:53] PatrickFnBateman: so then he signed me up for like 35 newsletters
[00:53] soupsoupad: childish
[00:54] PatrickFnBateman: so I made a sig pic with someone holding his severed head and a caption that said "confirmed kills: foundrymusic jeff"
[00:54] soupsoupad: ha
[00:54] PatrickFnBateman: then he hacked the site and had me routed to a gay porn site, other shit like that. he eventually went away
[00:54] soupsoupad: sounds like he had a hard on for you
[00:55] PatrickFnBateman: Yes, the people with no sense of humor often do, becuase they stick out like sore thumbs. I love to attack them and attack relentlessly
[00:56] soupsoupad: anything else of note worth mentioning on the topic besides the eventual demise of that you had a hand in?
[00:56] PatrickFnBateman: well what led up to the demise was Anthony deleting me because of my sig pic
[00:56] soupsoupad: which was?
[00:57] PatrickFnBateman: basically, he would complain about Howard not letting them talk about Stern on the air. They'd call him radio edit, blah blah blah
[00:57] PatrickFnBateman: but on the board, you couldn't say the name "spaz", and it would never be explained
[00:57] PatrickFnBateman: I had no idea who spaz was. It was in NY before they got syndicated, so I was baffled. I was curious? Why can't we say the name.
[00:57] soupsoupad: hypocricy
[00:58] PatrickFnBateman: it wouldln't even be explained. Finally I was told that the rumor was that Ant's girlfriend had fooled around with the guy before she went out with Ant.
[00:58] PatrickFnBateman: I and thought it was hilarious. The guy is 45 and acting like a 15 year old jealous boyfriend
[00:58] soupsoupad: it is quite silly
[00:59] soupsoupad: turned into a mountain by his own doing
[00:59] PatrickFnBateman: so I made sig out of a promotional picture of ant and op, and put in Ant and Howard and had a caption something like "carefull, we don't let you say certain words"
[00:59] soupsoupad: its a banned word on wackbag now
[00:59] PatrickFnBateman: had that for a while, at the same time others were putting "zaps" all over their sigs, the thing really came to a head, and with my sig and commenting how stupid the policy was, he banned me
[01:00] PatrickFnBateman: That was in March of '02 I think. After that I probably made like 5 posts before the board shut down
[01:00] PatrickFnBateman: I'd be invited to CDIH and was posting there, wasn't even reading the board at all
[01:00] soupsoupad: what was DIGs role?
[01:00] PatrickFnBateman: In that part, nothing
[01:01] soupsoupad: in the demise
[01:01] soupsoupad: of OA
[01:01] PatrickFnBateman: him and sleeper would know more. They've talked about it.
[01:01] soupsoupad: have you gone on wackbag at all?
[01:01] PatrickFnBateman: Dig made a post on CDIH (which I can't find in the search) basically saying come look at my thread
[01:02] PatrickFnBateman: so I went over there, and took a quick glance at the thread ,and coincidentally the last person who had posted was Roger, she asked a question in her post, and I answered something about "maybe because you blew Spaz"
[01:02] PatrickFnBateman: and then logged out and went to bed.
[01:03] PatrickFnBateman: or left home or whatever, next time I went online it had all already happened. I pretty much missed everything, and don't really know what role I even played
[01:03] PatrickFnBateman: It was all really not planned at all
[01:03] PatrickFnBateman: Never went to whackbag. I don't know any of the posters there, and I don't listen to teh show
[01:04] soupsoupad: it kind of happened out of froys need for acceptance from anthony
[01:04] PatrickFnBateman: can I say something off the record?
[01:04] soupsoupad: sure
[01:05] PatrickFnBateman: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[01:05] PatrickFnBateman: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[01:05] soupsoupad: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[01:05] soupsoupad: Wow!
[01:05] PatrickFnBateman: we're back now
[01:05] PatrickFnBateman: What's Froy doing anyway? OTL still around?
[01:05] soupsoupad: no
[01:05] soupsoupad: its completely out of business
[01:06] soupsoupad: he had some whore sites, like this
[01:06] PatrickFnBateman: ah, that's a shame
[01:06] soupsoupad: if you look at it now theres a blurb that she doesnt want to take her clothes off for money anymore
[01:06] PatrickFnBateman: I'm sure he's posting on one of the fan sites in anonymity
[01:06] soupsoupad: im sure he is
[01:07] PatrickFnBateman: I truly think that all the drama happened on the board because the show just started to suck
[01:07] soupsoupad: im trying to secure an interview with him
[01:07] PatrickFnBateman: the heyday of the board (before my time) was the heyday of the show
[01:07] PatrickFnBateman: that would be some Woodward and Bernstein shit
[01:07] PatrickFnBateman: they started flooding us with shitty contests
[01:07] soupsoupad: i hope he accepts
[01:08] PatrickFnBateman: then people started complaining about them, then they stated whining about the board, then they stated trying to censor the boards. It was a disaster
[01:08] soupsoupad: do you think you come across abrasive on the boards?
[01:09] PatrickFnBateman: yes
[01:09] soupsoupad: some seem to think like on YMB that you were trying to be a dick just for the sake of it
[01:09] soupsoupad: is that the case?
[01:09] PatrickFnBateman: well, I wasn't trying to be friends for the sake of it
[01:10] PatrickFnBateman: I could be a chameleon when I posted. If it's a fight, I can fight, it's it's just pure discussion, I can do that, if it's debate, I'm up for that, sports, politics, whatever
[01:11] soupsoupad: do you like being the bad guy?
[01:11] PatrickFnBateman: I don't see it as that. On CDIH, you have a group of people who can give and take jabs. And so there really isn't much that goes on. And if it does, the person who's geting made fun of goes with it.
[01:11] soupsoupad: why so much animosity to gooch?
[01:12] PatrickFnBateman: because he's one of the people who can't. So it's not animosity, it's just that he reacts, and gets upset, and if I keep needling him and prodding him, I might cause one of his patented 4 paragraph rambling stream of consciousness posts that are so unitentionally funny
[01:13] soupsoupad: so you just like to push his buttons?
[01:14] PatrickFnBateman: YMB was where a lot of people just took things way too seriously. "you attack my friend you attack me" and so I'd make one snide comment, where on CDIH, it would skim by and people would laugh or blow it off, or maybe start another discussion, to on YMB where people would harp on it and fight back like I was some school yard bully
[01:14] PatrickFnBateman: so then, I'd just keep needling them
[01:14] soupsoupad: they looked at you like the enemy
[01:14] PatrickFnBateman: Toronto Hottie was the best until she just gave up and ran away
[01:14] soupsoupad: an outsider
[01:15] PatrickFnBateman: 60feet was good. The Brain, FOM. They would just get so pissed. I could just sense the anger whenever I posted, and I'd be sitting there with a giant grin on my face
[01:15] soupsoupad: some people are like marks
[01:16] PatrickFnBateman: and Gooch and The Dude. Same thing. But Gooch would really take it serious. He'd fight back like it was a crusade. it got to a point where everything I posted no matter what it was, he would follow and critique or get mad at, or call me unfunny. It was hilarious
[01:16] soupsoupad: id like to roll off some names
[01:17] soupsoupad: and you give me the first impression that comes to mind
[01:17] soupsoupad: in one sentance
[01:17] PatrickFnBateman: Hell, I went on bored planet for the first time in like 3 months, I look on the first page and he had mentioned me on the third thread down. I just loved going to bed at night knowing that there were people wringing their hands at how much they hate me
[01:17] PatrickFnBateman: shoot
[01:17] soupsoupad: sleeper
[01:17] PatrickFnBateman: mini me
[01:17] soupsoupad: gonzo
[01:18] PatrickFnBateman: great heart, great poster, I hated his "molesting little boys" schtick. Took a lot away from his posts
[01:19] soupsoupad: the jays
[01:20] PatrickFnBateman: I have no opinion. He used to post a lot, now doesn' t seem to post. Don't even remember if he posted on Aside from the long stories he'd write, I nothing really jumps to mind. Maybe he stopped posting because he though people weren't reading his long posts? I don't know. I read them
[01:21] soupsoupad: i enjoy them
[01:21] soupsoupad: i dont think he thinks people appreciate the effort
[01:21] soupsoupad: laz
[01:22] PatrickFnBateman: yeah, if I remeber there was some poeple who were vocal in their displeasure and not many stood up
[01:23] PatrickFnBateman: he's a weird one. he didn't post much until YMB, and he HATED me on YMB, at least I thought he did. We used to get in fights, cross board fights, I'd do some asshole thing and he'd get all mad. Then it just stopped
[01:23] PatrickFnBateman: he stopped reacting, so I stopped being mean, and now we're best of buds I guess
[01:23] PatrickFnBateman: he's good though
[01:23] soupsoupad: whackbagkid
[01:24] PatrickFnBateman: funny, not bitchy like Kid A
[01:24] soupsoupad: kid a
[01:24] PatrickFnBateman: wait, I haven't done WBK
[01:24] soupsoupad: sorry, you can expound
[01:24] soupsoupad: i got ahead of myself there
[01:24] PatrickFnBateman: he's good. Sleeperish in a good way. funny, clever, self effacing, all that stuff. I think he thnks I don't think eh's funny.
[01:25] PatrickFnBateman: Kid A, I guess I missed his heyday. He just seemed like a chronic complainer
[01:25] PatrickFnBateman: which is weird that he's at Whackbag, because all he complained about at OA was censorship
[01:26] PatrickFnBateman: I have no idea why people thought he was good. I never saw anything
[01:26] soupsoupad: can i open this up to audience questions and ask for a second interview another time? i think we still have some ground to cover
[01:26] PatrickFnBateman: shit. it's been an hour
[01:27] soupsoupad: i know
[01:27] PatrickFnBateman: yeah, whatever. I'm an unemployed layabout. got nothing else to do
Session Close (soupsoupad): Tue Dec 28 01:28:17 2004

Session Start (PatrickfnBateman:The Uncensored Galt Interview): Tue Dec 28 01:30:01 2004
[01:30] Black Lazerus: hello
[01:30] oauncensored: great one on one
[01:30] JediGmann: hola
[01:30] oauncensored: lets open the room to questions for galt
[01:30] *** triciaj76 has joined the chat.
[01:30] Black Lazerus: gault do you realy hate arpi?
[01:30] PatrickFnBateman: No. I'm saddened.
[01:30] theclearstuff: (Link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)maybe the greatest speech ever
[01:31] Black Lazerus: how so
[01:31] PatrickFnBateman: he was my favorite poster bar none for like a year.
[01:31] PatrickFnBateman: then he just went insane. caught in lies got bitchy.
[01:31] PatrickFnBateman: I have it on high authority that he started doing coke again.
[01:31] Black Lazerus: do you think he makes 162k a year or is that one of his many lies?
[01:32] PatrickFnBateman: no fucking way
[01:32] JediGmann: why do you think drusilla is so enamored with you ??
[01:32] PatrickFnBateman: because she knows that I'm not going to actually try and meet her.
[01:32] PatrickFnBateman: so it's safe. Plus we agree on a lot of stuff
[01:33] PatrickFnBateman: and I'm hot
[01:33] Black Lazerus: well skip that, who is this high authority?
[01:33] theclearstuff: his dealer?
[01:33] PatrickFnBateman: see, I can make stuff up too
[01:33] JediGmann: do you feel sometimes you take things too far ? Case in point on YMB the whole cancer mom thing
[01:34] PatrickFnBateman: why don't you explain to me what your view of what the "cancer mom" thing was.
[01:34] PatrickFnBateman: in a couple sentences. What did I do?
[01:34] Black Lazerus: i know what you did
[01:34] JediGmann: i forgot and dont feel like looking it up
[01:35] Black Lazerus: you got on his case about bitching about his house insted of worrying about his mom
[01:35] PatrickFnBateman: yeah, I don't think that's bad.
[01:35] JediGmann: someone posted something about their mom having the cancer...I think it was Jimmy
[01:35] PatrickFnBateman: people made it look like the guy said that his mom had cancer and I laughed at him because of it
[01:35] Black Lazerus: he turned it around like you said his mom should die or somesuch thing
[01:35] JediGmann: yeah
[01:36] PatrickFnBateman: He started a thread complaining about how difficult it was to sell his house, went into this whole thing about horrible buyers, blah blah blah, and oh by the way, my mom is on her deathbed at the hospital
[01:36] PatrickFnBateman: I pointed out, maybe there are more important things that selling your fucking house
[01:37] Black Lazerus: not in those words mind you
[01:37] Black Lazerus: in a way he knew might be misconstrued
[01:38] *** beth illyse 77 has joined the chat.
[01:38] PatrickFnBateman: sure, not the nicest thing. But yeah, it's no secret that I like to push buttons and pounce on things where I think there is some material
[01:38] JediGmann: I was just curious on your take of what happened
[01:39] PatrickFnBateman: I think everyone overreacted and since they all hated me anyways, they jumped on me. When I didn't cave, they all got madder. Then Alkey holed me
[01:39] theclearstuff: hi galt!
[01:39] Black Lazerus: ok explain gooches obsesion with you
[01:39] Black Lazerus: and fat girls
[01:39] Black Lazerus: even though he's a fat ass himself
[01:40] PatrickFnBateman: his obsession with me, or his obsession with "me and fat girls"?
[01:40] Black Lazerus: both
[01:40] Black Lazerus: sorry
[01:40] Black Lazerus: one at a time if you like
[01:40] beth illyse 77: ok invite
[01:40] *** beth illyse 77 has left the chat.
[01:40] PatrickFnBateman: the fat girls thing happened because I posted a group picture with a bunch of my friends and I had my arm around two girls. One fat chick, and then my girlfriend at the time.
[01:40] *** beth illyse 77 has joined the chat.
[01:41] PatrickFnBateman: he just ran with that the fat chick was my girlfriend and felt like it was hilarious.
[01:41] PatrickFnBateman: then he made jokes about it for the next 18 months because the comedy ground was so fertile
[01:41] Black Lazerus: becuse he himself would never sink so low to date a fat chick?
[01:41] Black Lazerus: because*
[01:41] PatrickFnBateman: I don't know. You should have covered that it his Q and A
[01:42] Black Lazerus: i wasen't there
[01:42] Black Lazerus: sorry
[01:42] PatrickFnBateman: I don't know if he's got an obsession with me per se. I jus tthnk he tries to be a crusader and fight back for the people who can't fight back properly against me
[01:42] Black Lazerus: or me
[01:42] Black Lazerus: or dig
[01:42] PatrickFnBateman: or anyone
[01:43] Black Lazerus: you shound't take any of it to heart i have seen his apartment
[01:43] PatrickFnBateman: but it's great. If you execute effectively you can get him to go on a monologue for like 4 paragraphs. He rambles, makes no sense. It's great.
[01:43] PatrickFnBateman: such a reward
[01:43] Black Lazerus: the words hovel and shitpile come to mind
[01:44] JediGmann: jeez...then where does mine fit ?
[01:44] beth illyse 77: we can't all live like kings
[01:44] PatrickFnBateman: people who don't take care of themselves rarely take care of their living quarters either
[01:44] Black Lazerus: yours is 10 times better
[01:44] JediGmann: he has a nice alot of space
[01:45] Black Lazerus: well he would have to
[01:45] Black Lazerus: he's 300 plus lbs
[01:45] Black Lazerus: him and his brother
[01:45] Black Lazerus: didn't see the third roomate
[01:45] Black Lazerus: most likely fat also
[01:46] Black Lazerus: ok i am done
[01:46] Black Lazerus: you other people are worthless
[01:46] oauncensored: anyone else?
[01:47] PatrickFnBateman: this hurts. really
[01:47] PatrickFnBateman: I give and give and give until I'm blue in the face, and there's no interest.
[01:47] PatrickFnBateman: I bet a Jays retrospective would garner more interest
[01:47] JediGmann: what is your opinion on the messageboards ?
[01:47] beth illyse 77: i got here too late
[01:47] oauncensored: theres not many people online
[01:48] JediGmann: do you feel people take this shit way too seriously ?
[01:48] PatrickFnBateman: I think people take it way too seriously.
[01:48] PatrickFnBateman: I like them. My writing has improved dramatically because of them. I also feel like I have a quicker wit
[01:49] PatrickFnBateman: I prefer them to be anonymous. It's much easier to post that way, at least the way I post
[01:49] theclearstuff: you are all amateurs compared to oauncensored.
[01:49] beth illyse 77: people definately take things way too seriously
[01:49] beth illyse 77: ymb went down because of that
[01:49] PatrickFnBateman: it's fun to gang up on helpless people and make them cry and not have a clue who they are
[01:49] theclearstuff: i dont think i even joined ymb
[01:49] PatrickFnBateman: and not care either
[01:50] JediGmann: do you feel you ever posted anything that you regret ?
[01:51] PatrickFnBateman: but it's not like I don't care about the people. I've posted for a while, and I'll continue to do so. I love some of the posters here. I laugh all the time, get in great conversations
[01:51] PatrickFnBateman: Not that I can remember. If the guy actually thought I was making fun of his mother for having cancer, then I'd regret that.
[01:52] beth illyse 77: i've actually wanted to ask you about the cancer jokes you made with jimmy blue eyes
[01:52] beth illyse 77: i missed the thread originally
[01:52] Black Lazerus: he didn't make jokes
[01:52] PatrickFnBateman: I'm sure if I saw every word I'd ever written I'm sure there are a few things that I'd think weren't appropriate
[01:52] beth illyse 77: i missed what he said
[01:52] beth illyse 77: i was just wondering
[01:52] PatrickFnBateman: it'ls been covered already, but briefly:
[01:53] PatrickFnBateman: he posted an FU about the difficulties in selling his house. It was like 15-20 lines long. He throws in an "oh by the way" his mom is on her death bed with cancer, and so these fuckers should just buy already
[01:53] beth illyse 77: i just stepped on broken glass, its hard to pay attention right now since im bleeding from the foot
[01:53] PatrickFnBateman: I posted something about how his priorities were fucked up
[01:53] beth illyse 77: that is fucked up how he mentioned it
[01:53] beth illyse 77: like it was a side note
[01:54] beth illyse 77: to the bigger problems
[01:54] *** aimcrackhitler has joined the chat.
[01:54] theclearstuff: like a footnote
[01:54] PatrickFnBateman: I'm sure that Keyser will track down the offending thread and link it
[01:54] triciaj76: hadn't he already done a separate thread about the cancer though?
[01:54] JediGmann: i cant find it
[01:54] Black Lazerus: no
[01:54] beth illyse 77: most people skip what he writes anyway
[01:54] PatrickFnBateman: I don't know. Don't remember. I iddn't see it
[01:56] Black Lazerus: crack do you have any questions for galt?
[01:56] aimcrackhitler: nope, not a single one
[01:56] oauncensored: if not im wrapping this up
[01:57] oauncensored: thanks folks, galt thanks for your time
[01:57] PatrickFnBateman: anything for the fans
is the text fucked up for anyone else?
mod edits don't show up as edits?? BULLSHIT!!!! CENSORSHIP!!!! POWERPLAYS!!!!


Edited By Galt on 1104219300
edited because i fixed something
i think next time you should post the one on one before inviting people into the room. that way maybe we can get an idea of what was said or not. might help with the whole Q & A part.
there's going to be a next time?
well maybe if keyser decides to do this again, for another subject maybe.

not everything is about you!
every girl should have a body and dress like that slut in your sig.
she's a fetish model

bianca beauchamp
meh, her tits are way too big
it happens
Who knew i was under tar baby's skin so much. and for a 300lb guy..thats quite an accomplishment!!!

Great interview. Laz has an unhealthy obsession, but then again, it keeps him from hooking up with less immigrants on the side.
i don't know of any streams to the show. i haven't listenend to any since wbk stopped sending them to me Sad
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i like the term "sleeperish"
his saying that he caught me in a lie is a lie in itself.
another excellent interview - nice job!
The best interview yet as far as keysers questions, much improvement from the first interview. I especially liked the part where you mentioned a board member and asked for his thoughts on them, now thats a question I would have liked to been asked.
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