Full Version: yanks 2005 world series tix on sale tomorrow!
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at least you have cano
and wang, dont forget wang!

oh the agony of threads from the past.
your wang stopped working long ago old man
Cano should be a pretty decent 2nd baseman once he matures a bit and finds some patience at the plate but for a rookie with all the pressure the yanks had this year and playing in yankee stadium he did pretty decent.

Plus he's under 40.
Keyser Soze Wrote:your wang stopped working long ago old man
nice to know your obsession with my penis hasnt ebbed
Cano, Wang, and Cabrera, all former Staten Island Yankees!
nice to know the yankee farm system is alive and well
The Baby Bombers won their championship this year.
they beat the clones in the playoffs, we have some good minor league teams locally. the blue hens in lakewood draw a ton of people.
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