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How's my board doing?
You know what I'm talking about. That's mine. I made it popular, they use my sig pics..... So how is my board doing?
Ah, that board...

It's got a lot of traffic, I'll give 'em that.

They talk about the show a lot, which is fun.
why the fuck, when you were the person who bitched and moaned the most about censorship on do you post on that board?
house nigger
Make sure to drink the kool-aid.....or be banned
Galt Wrote:why the fuck, when you were the person who bitched and moaned the most about censorship on do you post on that board?
Well, there's a few reasons actually...

I've played the martyr role already. It's tired.

They actually have some activity there.

It doesn't seem to be the same 6 people talking to each other all of the time.

With O&A back broadcasting (or sat-casting) again, I actually want to participate in a board that talks about the show and things that happen on the show. I don't know from, so wackbag it was.

I realize the rules at wackbag are pretty much exactly what I fought against at, but stingray is not froy.
It's like watching Vader as he's dying.
Did Vader get fatter, lose his ability to argue and his will to fight oppression?
he was never vader, more like renfield.
he looked like curly from the 3 stooges, so I guess yeah he did.