Full Version: what is the best show on TV?
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Deadwood is great. Carnivale was really interesting but slow...though nice payoff in finale

Six Feet Under I watched season 1....good. Season 2...ok. Kind of never watched it since. It's like American Beauty, the soap opera.

I missed Ali G this season.
HBO is going to replay the first two episodes of Deadwood on Monday at 9:00. I only caught a couple of episodes the first time around, but what from what I saw the show looks really fucking good.
The Shield

Honroable mention for Enterprise - yeah, yeah, trek-geek, etc - but the sci-fi writing on the show has been stellar thus far for season 4.
i also like those shows about the bounty hunter familys: family bonds on hbo and DOG on A&E.

discovery, A&E, comedy central, and VH1 have great shows

i could watch VH1 all day for Behind The Music, Best Week Ever, The Surreal Life, Celebrity Fit Camp, Strange Love, etc.. etc...
1. The Wire
2. Monk
3. Chappelle's Show
4.CSI (only the Original one so far)
5. Dead Like Me.
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