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Just for the record. There are a lot of threads that are missing.

But, it is still, ummmm, interesting to read how self-important lots of these threads were.
i do agree.
was that leak ever fixed?
Yeah, I was wondering too. It just seemed like Froy was like, "Ok, since none of you guys are fessing up, I'm gonna blame Gonzo."
Oh.. uhm.. the search works now.
in my bathroom at school this year, one of the sinks leaks and they never fixed it, so we just wrapped a sock around it
so Froy wrapped a sock around Gonzo?

that must've been one huge sock.
we never knew. i wonder if it was just mutliple people saying stuff to pals. Sean and I had considered Roger, before the whole Gonzo debacle came up b/c PB accused Gonzo...which I didn't beleive...but Froy ended up using it anyway later on. Then, in retrospect, I wonder if it was Sean.
god I was like a lonely bitch begging to be taken back while saying "fine i'm gone" 20 times, I think this may trump star-child.
wow you guys really took that shit seriously
Everytime I see PB in someone's post, it just makes me think her screenname was Peanut Butter.
GonzoStyle Wrote:god I was like a lonely bitch begging to be taken back while saying "fine i'm gone" 20 times, I think this may trump star-child.
you had put so much time and effort into your posts and board. who would want to be booted in shame like that. i can't blame you.
yeah, Gonzo also used lol way too much.
Wow, re-reading that, I must have been the biggest piece of shit around.

You guys really hated the ever lovin' shit out of me!
I don't get what half the threads are about cause there is no context. It just makes reading them that much more ridiculous
YMB is getting more traffic than it has ever gotten.
ymb exists as something other than an archive?
Gooch Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:god I was like a lonely bitch begging to be taken back while saying "fine i'm gone" 20 times, I think this may trump star-child.
you had put so much time and effort into your posts and board. who would want to be booted in shame like that. i can't blame you.
Eh, at the time I was super fuckin pissed. Not even about the demoding but because of what matty boy and I had been through and just 2 weeks before he posted that I was the best poster and how much our friendship meant to him. Then he took the word of PB who only posted his cock pics and was such a trustworthy person. On top of that the fact that later on he would tell sean everything going on in BTS and even beforehand. lol, ok I am done.
was there really anything in BTS that was so scandalous that it shan't be leaked?!?!
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