Full Version: Boooooooooo - ...kelly clarkson was good
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ha ha ha hahahahahahahahaa ohhh hahahahahaha.....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:44 pm Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Dec 2004
Posts: 29
Location: central florida
50 Points


Fuck the media and all those assholes. Who cares what they think? I doubt ashlee does. Yeah we would all be depressed if this happened but i dont think TRL and that stuff matters to her. I think WE do. So I think the only thing you can do right now to help ashlee is GO TO HER LIVE SHOW! Meet her. Tell her how much you respect her. I think she would like that a lot more than being number 1 on TRL
i like how in your previous post, it says ashlee in the picture, yet you spelled it ashley.
i would have said bitch but i didn't want you to think i was talking about you.
Now that would make for an awesome suicide note!

Quote:OMG I am soooo deprresed!!! Sad Sad Frist my angel Ashlee gets booed by mean football fans then DIG destroys my message board Sad Sad Goodbye creul world Cry
Quote:People need to realize that she has done absolutely nothing wrong. Sure, she made too many excuses for SNL. But SO many people lip synch. EMINEM for instance, and nobody says a word. He lip synched on SNL the week after Ashlee did. And this whole Orange Bowl shit is getting blown way out of porportion. They booed her because shes Ashlee Simpson, a teen pop star. Simple as that. Wrong crowd for Ashlee. People seriously need to shut up. She was singing fine until the last chorus of La La, then she had to scream it.
Someone recruit Nerima to this board. They don't appreciate his/her acerbic wit.
OK, fess up...

Which one of you is ashleesucksnuts on that message board?
not it
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