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Jays life must be so empty that he has to attack people ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD! Get a life.
in the early 1900s, the word "jay" was slang in the U.S. for a hick, rube, or simpleton -- in other words, a person inexperienced in the ways of the bright lights in the big city.
im sorry for lashing out before guys. i think it was my low self esteem rearing it ugly head leaving jays as the unfortunate target.
at least you didn't run & start a board about it - I mean, start a board for totally different reasons & post on it in regards to lashing out on The Jays.
fuck, i have a confession
can I read about it in a secret forum?
bts leak!!!!
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It takes a village.
yours called, its missing an idiot.
Can you mapquest it for me?
I dont like Mapquest, everytime I get directions from there it's either the long way or just slightly off.
Goatweed Wrote:I dont like Mapquest, everytime I get directions from there it's either the long way or just slightly off.
Apparently Alkey and Silera got the directions for the patch from mapquest.
the patch is not to be worn as a bandana
My village is in Michigan?
further north
Im a cheesehead?
Goatweed Wrote:I dont like Mapquest, everytime I get directions from there it's either the long way or just slightly off.
i used mapquest the first time i went to wheelers. they didn't even get close, they took me through all the neighbourhoods instead of the highway and then stopped about a mile before where i needed to go. am glad i decided to figure it out for myself before i left.
Keyser Soze Wrote:yours called, its missing an idiot.
I love rooner but this post made me chuckle, I chuckle now cause giggling is 2004.
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