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I played Acey Deucey two nights ago and broke into cold sweats every time I said "pot it", thanks to you.
glad i could ruin something you called fun, outside of the internet. see you at the next poker night
Holy shit, there are people in this world besides my family that know what acey duecy is. And Alkey doesnt want to see my face again. Oh the humanity.
Put a bag over your head and bring a lot of cash.

Quote:glad i could ruin something you called fun, outside of the internet. see you at the next poker night

I won the most. You only ruined one game. Thanks for the "outside the internet" compliment! Now everyone will be totally jealous of me.
I remember how I wrangled your wills and destroyed and undermined your budding friendship. Good times!

Edited By diceisgod on 1105136819
you left the game broke how did you win the most? sil had to pay your way.
I won two nights ago, reading comprehensionly impared.
diceisgod Wrote:I remember how I wrangled your wills and destroyed and undermined your budding friendship. Good times!
I bow to the almighty and powerful DIG. Id love to hear you weigh in in the reality thread.
"So, I went to the electronic expo and I wanted to tell everybody to fuck off but I was scared so I went home and created a scenario where I did and some dorks on a website ate it all up!" *slurp*
IrishAlkey Wrote:"So, I went to the electronic expo and I wanted to tell everybody to fuck off but I was scared so I went home and created a scenario where I did and some dorks on a website ate it all up!" *slurp*
You callin DIG a liar!!!
If I wasnt such a lying, shit talking, two faced faggot, youd play acey duecy with me right Alk?
Only for money.
That's what silera said. OH!
Chump change.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Only for money.
Uh...its kinda hard to play without money isnt it?
And a face
IrishAlkey Wrote:I won two nights ago, reading comprehensionly impared.

Im happy anyone except you wins at my place.
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