Full Version: Oh great another Opie and Anthony forum...
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What we intend on doing here is to provide a place for fans to be themselves. There will be no banning here. There will be no censorship, no editing or deleting of threads. Completely uncensored discussion here will not only be allowed but encouraged. As you are aware, certain other websites, which you may also discuss here, have created some rules that people find, well....offensive. We won't having any of that here. We don't intend to have any affliation with the show, as that tends to put the board at the shows mercy. Therefore no topic will be off limits. There will be no banned words. Topics that previously were untouchable on other message boards will be completely embraced here.

The credo of CDIH is "for the members, by the members". Some message boards seem to think they do the same. The proof is in the pudding. In all the time our little community has been around (a little over 3 years now), we have never prevented a member from completely speaking their mind. Regardless if anyone had a problem with it. You will have have that chance now with a fresh new forum to discuss the Opie and Anthony show, brought to you by CDIH.

So, feel free to say whatever you like. Tell us we suck, tell us we dont need another O&A message board, tell us we're just starting this board to stir up shit, tell us we're the worst thing to come to this whole Opie and Anthony online presence. Tell us whatever you want. All we ask is that you bring something to the table and are prepared to deal with people with a strong opposing viewpoints. Being uncensored means all sides will be heard, so be armed with your wits.

Welcome to the Uncensored Opie and Anthony Forums. All are welcome, nobody is safe.
you are a greaseball
So says the Jew.
I'm glad Opie's dad died, and I hope Anthony's mom is next.
Galt Wrote:I'm glad Opie's dad died, and I hope Anthony's mom is next.
I never really heard anything but is it actually true and how did he die? Did howard have him whacked?
Backing out of the drive way, T-boned and death came a knocking.
it was a hit set up by the Knights of Columbus
Adaptation was a great movie.
Mad Wrote:Backing out of the drive way, T-boned and death came a knocking.
So he died in a car accident and he wasn't even actually in the process of driving yet? He was merely backing out of his driveway?

Thats fuckin pathetic.
yeah, sucks to be him.
This started off with a bang.
This should be on Alkey's board.
go away!!
Buttmunch Wrote:This should be on Alkey's board.
I tried this. Didn't go well.
And another thing: Are you sure this is completely uncensored?
why do you ask
seriously though, I hope everyone everyone they know dies.
that's nice
Not at once though. That would be too much.. Maybe like one every few days. Really spread out the misery.
every few days would numb the pain after a while. to cause the maximum pain, it should be one every month or so, each in a more graphic death culminating in a braveheart style torture/disembowling for both of them at once
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