Full Version: Who is your favorite guest of all time?
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Bruer always hit home for me. Especially when they all would touch on stories about growing up on Long Island, though this can translate to any suburban tri-state area. The yelling out "Deek" in little league games, the go-cart cruising up and down the block making a fricken racket, and the old crabby neighbor screaming at the kids. I always appreciated that when they had Bruer on.
i agree with rooner.

breuer is always fuckin' hysterical.
I had a summer job as JC Penny and Id go smoke pot out under the tractor trailers, does that count?

little league stories?
I moved every year, never lived anywhere long enough to play organized sports. Im a failure.
totally weak.
i guess my search goes on
I didn't actually play organized little league, I was way to uncoordinated and portly as a kid. However, I remember everyone calling each other "Deeks" during gym softball and all that.
Jim Bruer.

Second runner-up Brian Regan.
HedCold Wrote:totally weak.
i guess my search goes on
its okay, goatweed is there for ya!
Rooner Wrote:I moved every year, never lived anywhere long enough to play organized sports. Im a failure.
Dice rules
HedCold Wrote:its okay, goatweed is there for ya!
nope, not anymore.
apparently bruer has a show on sirius, and his contract is preventing O&A from booking him on the show. thats a real shame.
Regan will always be my favorite. I loved him when i was a kid. Ferrara is my second favorite.
The first time Dice came on live was the best guest day ever. On the opposite end of it, anytime Jay Mohr was on was forgettable for me.
while bruer is amazing, i have to go with lynch...he's one of the reasons i started really listening, and his shows are incredible. on air, he never did things like the razor ad, but i have my loyalties damnit
Goatweed Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:its okay, goatweed is there for ya!
nope, not anymore.
[Image: GACcody2002.gif]
i'm like the only guy for Jay Mohr. I love Breuer...but the best shows I've listened to were Mohr ripping Dice, the "fake fight" incident, and others where Mohr was on.
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