Full Version: Taxi Driver Sequel???
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alternate side is suspended but they plowed all the snow onto our cars, what the fuck!

Plus theres no way I am spending 3 hours on a train and then taking a cab to work, :uckily I have the type of job where I can work from home.
nice - I wish I could work from home. I tried to toss the idea by my controller, but he wasnt too receptive.

I'd probably post on boards all day long anyway - oh, wait...
Well I work on commision so its not like they can really force me to come in if I dont wanna. Mainly I dont have all the equipment at home to work from home all the time, also the calyx program we use and plus like you said its better off bein in the office cause its too tempting to goof off at home. Plus theres all the people at work involved in my deals that I need to constantly speak to.
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