Full Version: Conversations... - At least it's not a game thread.
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beckster, ladi summed it up in a nutshell for you.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Quote:I was sucked in.
Is that what you call it?
Is it these types of threads part of the reason you left the last time?
This thread was not meant to be unintelligible banter. Instead, I thought we could discuss something, anything. Unfortunately, the content of any threads is dependant on the people that post within it.

So, if you are so deluded that you think you can actually dictate what goes on in any thread, you truly are a sad sad person.
Quote:Instead, I thought we could discuss something, anything. Unfortunately, the content of any threads is dependant on the people that post within it.
Well...... you didn't start off with anything, or even give an explaination. It looked like you were trying to contain the babble, to me.
I have my outfit already..but I mean suggestions for the party itself..I have music and pretty in pink to put on the tv..but maybe games or somethin?
Yeah, what Ladi said. The thread is only as good as the initial post stimulates discussion. Your initial post was even lamer than Maynard's lunch threads.
i wish i was goin
80's? Isn't there an expansion set for Trivial Pursuit on the 80's (and every other decade?)

Oh, yeah. Bean bag chairs.

Edited By Arthur Dent on Mar. 28 2002 at 4:37
You're right, I should've posted a more in depth thought for the thread. But, I didn't.

So anyway, I can try to interject thoughts for conversation now, but it's too late. Maybe next time.

As for your 80s party Becky, don't forget lots of herpes and unprotected sex.

Edited By Kid Afrika on Mar. 28 2002 at 11:38
Games, hmmm........ Spot the Junkie? The one with the bloody nose wins.

I thought of another game....... form "Teen Wolf," they draw names and make people do silly tasks. Get the neighbor to pee in a cup, eat jello out of a girl's shirt, 5 mins in the closet.... Big Grin

Edited By Hey Ladi on Mar. 28 2002 at 11:41
Twister is a good one..
parachute pants.
Miami Vice...... the don johnson look.
risky business

the list could go on and on.

thanks becky, i just realized i'm not as young as i'd like to be.

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 28 2002 at 11:45
7 minutes in heaven (6 minutes, 45 seconds too much time)
ouija boards
dungeons and dragons
Quote:ouija boards
Quote:Twister is a good one..
Naked Twister?
Metalfan Wrote:dungeons and dragons
OMG! I forgot all about that game. oops...did I just say that out loud?
SURE nekkid twister!! :bouncer:
Played strobe light Twister once. That was interesting.
strobe light twister? ok... you absolutely have to be bored stiff to decide that twister would be much better if you spiced it up with a strobe light! Smile
In college, so yes probably bored. Or really late & drunk.
Whomever said bald was beautiful never met Slack. :lol: j/k

I just need to know why I eat so quick.
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