Full Version: Who do you think is the richest midget - dwarf, little person, etc.
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Which little person do you think has the most money of all midgets, dwarves, runts, and anklebiters?

I was just looking at Warwick Davis on imdb, and that dude has been working professional since Return of the Jedi, and he's got roles in Harry Potter movies, he's got Willow, he's got the Leprechaun movies. I'm thinking he's gotta be the richest midget on the planet.

Edited By The Jays on 1106699033
those twin midgets with the real estate infomercial could buy and sell him and Verne Troyer in a heartbeat.

Did you see that boat they were on? And all those buxom bitches?
what twin midgets? You mean they come in two's now???
[Image: thericebrothers.jpg]
You mean them?
those are they.
And they prefer "little person". After that, dwarf is usually acceptable. Midget is like "nigger"
I have an immense fear of twins. Also gymnasts.
yo, son, those are mah midgets, yo!
lush Wrote:I have an immense fear of twins. Also gymnasts.
i knew a twin once. he was really hot.

and i would think verne troyer but i hear he's on surreal life so i guess not so much.

what about that guy from the station agent?
I really wanna fuck Bridget the Midget.
Wee man?
ron jeremy's penis
Do you think that when they invest their money, they sell short?
Peter Dinklage has probably made some pretty good money - he's played a lead role...

billy barty was the king of the midgets. everyone else was just a pretender