Booty Calls - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 07-23-2003

I'm horny. Are there any broads left on this board?

- Keyser Soze - 07-23-2003

that was a dull and uninteresting reply. thanks for sharing.

i posted a friggin booty call IM. get ahold of yourselves.

- Galt - 07-23-2003

you promised me something big tonight, Keyser. I have avoided any and all human contact tonight in order to stay glued to the computer awaiting your news.


- Velociti - 07-23-2003

but will it live up to the hype?

- diceisgod - 07-23-2003

Give it to him, Zed.

- Keyser Soze - 07-23-2003

i'm checking to see if i should post this or not.

- Galt - 07-23-2003

As newest Mod, I give you full authority to post it

- criticslovesnatch - 07-23-2003

Quote:you promised me something big tonight, Keyser. I have avoided any and all human contact tonight in order to stay glued to the computer awaiting your news.

He's announcing the next Project Pseudo gig at the Jerk Store in hoboken.

- The Jays - 07-23-2003

... the AIM conversation would seem to be along the lines of me giving a board member my phone number, and then that person posting my phone number to everyone else....

...a certain degree of trust was involved, and that trust was betrayed...

...with regards to the chatroom, to say things in chat is to trust everyone in the room, which seems to be basically the public domain in the board's case... things that she said, while they might have been serious, were taken lightly, as per usual. According to chat, I've slept with Sleeper and Gonzo, along with numerous women, and I have a really really large penis. This is information that I have allowed for the chatting public to have.

But once a private IM conversation takes place, there is reason for it; so that both parties can speak in private.

- Keyser Soze - 07-23-2003

is that next door to the Fake Overly Dramatic Hypocrate coffee shop that Arpi frequents?

- The Jays - 07-23-2003

... what is this hypocritical thing that Arpi did?

- Velociti - 07-23-2003

its hypocritcal that arpi used to poke fun at suzie, yet he is getting lambasted for doing the same, although he did take it a bit too far.

- The Jays - 07-23-2003

... everyone pokes fun at everyone here, with the information that we allow to be shared with one another...

- Velociti - 07-23-2003

don't bitch at me i'm not trying to defend him, I think hes an ahole for doing it.

- Keyser Soze - 07-23-2003

i refuse to read any posts starting and ending with ...

- Galt - 07-23-2003

How did I not notice that until now?

Jesus. What the fuck is that Jays? It makes me so happy that the nominating committee intentionally passed you over for best poster.

- crx girl - 07-23-2003

the reason this is an issue is this:
Quote:Uhad2much2fast: can I trust you
it may have not gone against board policy, it may have not gone against any rules anywhere. but it's still fucked up. i tried to make that point last night in the hopes this thread would be removed before any harm was done but i'm not gonna tell people what they can and can't do. hopefully suzie will take it as a joke and realize that nobody's gonna judge her anymore than they already have for the whole coke thing and stuff. hopefully she can step away and laugh this off. the thing that baffles me is that keyser still doesn't seem to realize that he did something incredibly hurtful to another human being. is this what we've come to here?

- The Jays - 07-23-2003

Quote:Jesus. What the fuck is that Jays? It makes me so happy that the nominating committee intentionally passed you over for best poster.

What the fuck is your problem?

- The Jays - 07-23-2003

Quote:i refuse to read any posts starting and ending with

Fine, then for this post, I'll refrain because I want to make sure that you get the message.

You are an asshole.

- Gooch - 07-23-2003

Quote:the thing that baffles me is that keyser still doesn't seem to realize that he did something incredibly hurtful to another human being. is this what we've come to here?

just goes to show in the years, we have gone absolutely nowhere, and this situation is a reminder that quite a bunch are bitter angry people acting out online and disassociating themself with any accountability, couth, tact, and respect...for themselves or others. and it was done to someone who only showed them respect, concern, fun and put in alot of time to co-exist and post on this board.

you know, alot of people got up in arms that people got sold-out by Fingerbang at the bang party. How personal issues got dragged onto the board. But at least Fingerbang got prizes. Keyser posted it as a joke, thinks nothing over it...but the effect is the same: a private issue was dragged onto the board, and you all fuckin joke about it. The fact Keyser has women issues and no remorse is irrelevent. The fact that it was allowed to remain on board for "comedy" flies in the face of many personal items that got pulled or was lamented by quite a few in the past.

Personal issues don't belong on a board. It's dragged shit down for years, time after time. The fact that this is viewed as comedy ignores this fact, and perhaps tries to absolve you responsibility or a conscience. Maybe you should re-troll the gutters and find yourselves one.