You are all invited to... - Printable Version

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- Suzie - 05-24-2003

Everybody got along in person. don't see why you all have to be mean to each other once you get online. is it a manifestation of low self esteem?

- The Sleeper - 05-24-2003

it's alot more fun to be mean to people online then in person.

- Arpikarhu - 05-24-2003

i went, i was bored , i left. you all want to shit on me for it, go ahead.

- crx girl - 05-24-2003

who's shitting on you?

and danked :rofl:

- Arpikarhu - 05-24-2003

i wish you were.

- crx girl - 05-24-2003

i know my bathroom visit frequency may indicate that i like that kinda thing; but i'm really not into that, sorry.

Edited By crx girl on 1053800341

- Arpikarhu - 05-24-2003

oh :-(

- Galt - 05-24-2003

If I move to NY, I am going to pull an Ikea and anonymously show up at a gathering just to watch the dynamics of you anti-social misfits without actually interacting with you.

- Black Lazerus - 05-24-2003

Quote:Everybody got along in person. don't see why you all have to be mean to each other once you get online. is it a manifestation of low self esteem?

I wasen't getting along in person. I mean there wasent any fist fighting but we weren't getting along.
you must have been drunk

- Weird NJ - 05-24-2003

I had fun last night. Why all the hate?

- The Jays - 05-24-2003

What time did people end up leaving?

- Danked - 05-24-2003

About 3. The bar kicked us out when we became law breakers! :16:

- Galt - 05-24-2003

I'm sure the derisive comments posted here are nothing compared to the stories the other patrons in bar are now telling their family and friends about the table of rejects they were marvelling at last night.

- crx girl - 05-24-2003

i think maybe my comments may have hurt laz's feelings. that's why he thinks we were all fighting :22:

- The Sleeper - 05-24-2003

Quote:About 3. The bar kicked us out when we became law breakers!
ahahhaa you got kicked out of a bar. loooooooooooser

- Black Lazerus - 05-24-2003

yeah I had a great time no more hate from me. :5:

I am more Urkel than Urkel (oh look I am apri if I put it in his statuse maybe people will think it's true)

- crx girl - 05-24-2003

they were closing

- Danked - 05-24-2003

Quote:I'm sure the derisive comments posted here are nothing compared to the stories the other patrons in bar are now telling their family and friends about the table of rejects they were marvelling at last night.
Anyone who dresses up like a cowboy to go to a bar has no room to talk.

- Arpikarhu - 05-24-2003

Quote:I'm sure the derisive comments posted here are nothing compared to the stories the other patrons in bar are now telling their family and friends about the table of rejects they were marvelling at last night.
another reason i left.

Quote:oh look I am apri
aha! you admit that you want to be me! I WIN!!!1!

- Black Lazerus - 05-24-2003

Quote:i think maybe my comments may have hurt laz's feelings. that's why he thinks we were all fighting


Quote:Anyone who dresses up like a cowboy to go to a bar has no room to talk.

His jeans still weren't as tight as Arpi's